Peter Parker- Worthy

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Thor's hammer has been the subject of many arguments within the Avengers Compound. Many have wondered if they would be worthy enough to lift the hammer.

A party erupted at the Avengers Compound, everyone either drinking, playing games or talking about random subjects. Of course, this party was held by Tony, who was already drunk.

"I think I'm worthy." He spoke, taking another sip of his whiskey.

"Really? You, Tony Stark, party-goer, think you're worthy enough to hold Thor's hammer?" Steve asked.

"Yes." Tony said proudly as Thor laughed, placing his hammer on the table that rested between 3 couches.

"Remember the rule: Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor. You may think you're worthy, but you might not be." Bucky laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah." He groaned, placing his hands around the handle.

He grunted as he tried to lift the hammer, even going as far as using his Iron-Man suit.

"Not worthy are we?" Thor asked.

"Shut up...thunder-guy." Tony couldn't think of a good insult.

"Alright. I'm next." Clint spoke.

One after another, every guest from Peter Quill to Nick Fury was attempting to lift Thor's hammer.

Of course, there was Steve. He used every bit of his super-human strength to lift the hammer, managing to nudge it a little when he attempted to lift it up. Thor was shocked, but went back to smirking when Steve couldn't lift it.

"How about the kids try it?" Rhodey asked.

"You want Peter and I to try it?" Y/N asked.

"Be my guest." Thor smiled.

Y/N watched as Peter stood up, unable to lift the hammer.

"Your turn." He made room for you to get up.

You didn't care if you lifted the hammer or not. No one could lift it. Steve nearly did. Vision had proved himself once before. Tony simply wasn't worthy.

Knowing you wouldn't lift it, you put your right hand around the handle, preparing to be embarrassed in front of a lot of people. You closed your eyes and waited for laughter to escape the mouths of everyone around you. You waited to hear the sound of Thor chuckling as he knew you wouldn't be worthy.

Instead, you heard silence. Opening your eyes, you watched as everyone's eyes widened.

"What...the...fuck?" Quill dropped his glass.

"Language." Steve looked at Quill.

"You''re-" Peter seemed surprised.

"I'm holding Thor's hammer! I'm holding Mjolnir!" You exclaimed in happiness, everyone shocked when you handed the hammer to Thor, his eyes also widened.

"Looks like we found another, worthy enough to possess the power of me, Thor." Thor smiled, shaking your hand.

For the next few hours, you watched as Peter tried his hardest to lift up the hammer.

"How the hell did you manage to lift the hammer?" He asked, confused.

"I guess it's the fact that when I was 2, my parents were murdered. I spent the next 15 years of my life being subject to tests in a lab, developing supernatural abilities. While being tested on, I spent my time trying to find and bring my parents killer to justice. Once the killer got what they deserved, I devoted my life to helping others like I had been helped. The Avengers took me in and I've been fighting alongside them ever since." You explained.

"Well. That's one hell of a backstory. But, it does explain why you are worthy enough to wield Thor's hammer." Peter smiled, still trying to hold the hammer.

Tom Holland/Peter Parker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now