Peter Parker- What the fu-

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Without the knowledge of Peter's aunt May, you and Peter had been secretly dating. Not only did May not approve of him dating until he was 18, she didn't approve of you being his friend, seeing as most of the time you spent together, you'd always convince him to sneak out after dark.

Peter was only 1 year off turning 18. He turned 17 only a month ago.
You and Peter laid on his bed, his Spider-Man suit still on, as you and him just spent 3 hours swinging around New York.

"You know, May won't be home for about an hour." Peter reminded you as you kissed him. Whenever May wasn't home, you and Peter would make-out.

"Damn Peter. You look sexy in that suit." You kissed him while smirking. Your torso rested between his legs, his hands roaming up and down your body.

"What the fuck." May stood in Peter's doorway, eyes wide open.

Both you and Peter looked over at May, shock and fear clearly showing.

Neither you or Peter could figure out if she was shocked by the fact that Peter was wearing his suit which revealed that he was Spider-Man, or if she was shocked by the fact that the girl she didn't approve of was making out with her nephew. Only time would tell which option she chose.

"May. May!" Peter quickly ran after his aunt, leaving you to slowly follow behind him.

"Peter, I told you over 50 times that Y/N is a bad influence on you! How many times do I have to secretly watch you sneak back into the apartment? It's bad enough that you share classes with the girl!" May looked between you and Peter.

"I know, May. But she's the only girl in my entire class that actually likes me for me. She doesn't care that I'm a science nerd." Peter defended you.

"Peter, she's only using you." May objected.

"Dude, I'm right here." You reminded her.

"Dude, I don't care." May rolled her eyes at you.

"May! Don't be rude please! I love her." Peter finally said it.

"You-You what?" You were shocked by his sudden revelation.

"I love you, Y/N, even if my aunt hates you." He kissed you.

"I love you too, Peter." You kissed him back, slightly happy that you were pissing his aunt off.

"Y/N, leave." May growled.

"I'll see you at school, Peter." You kissed his cheek as you grabbed your bag, walking to the apartment door. Exiting his apartment, you stopped when you heard May speak again.

"So, now that she's gone, you're Spider-Man?!" She yelled, making you laugh. The fact that she didn't even focus on that huge fact in Peter's life straight away made you very confused.

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