Tom Holland- Payback

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A/N: Happy 50th story! Thanks for sticking around!

Y/N Y/L/N and Tom Holland. These two are opposites. They have been neighbours since the 2nd grade, yet they have never been friends. Their parents force them to walk to school together, but apart from that, there is no contact.

Tom is the most popular boy at school. Every girl wishes they could date him, and every boy wishes they could be him. Weirdly, he isn't the captain of the football team, he's just a regular boy. Like every one else, he wakes up and goes to school before coming home to play video games and neglect his homework.

Y/N is the complete opposite of Tom. She is constantly is regarded as a nobody, someone who has no real impact on the world. The popular girls find joy in making Y/N suffer, which can range from pushing her up against lockers to stealing her bra during gym. Unfortunately, this clichéd group of girls manages to get away with all the shitty things they do, as the leader is the Principal's daughter.

One thing that was different for Tom, was his attraction towards people. Many, if not all, would immediately assume that he was dating the most popular girl, as it would be weird if they weren't. Well, he wasn't. Tom wasn't the kind of person to be in a relationship. In fact, he's still a virgin. He has focused so much on school and other extra-curricular activities, that he hasn't even kissed a girl.

To keep up appearances, he lies to his friends, so he won't be made fun of.

Something wasn't right. I had never thought about it before, but none of the girls at my school were attractive to me, except for one.

Every girl I come across wants to fuck me, every girl, except one. Y/N.

I met Y/N in the 2nd grade when she moved into the house next door. At first, she was repulsive and I assumed that she felt the same way about me. But, as the years went on, my attraction to her went from friendship to...something more.

As much as she hated associating herself with me, I constantly tried to talk to her on the way to school, but the moment her foot stepped onto the school campus, she pretended as if she didn't know me. We were in the same classes, but she always managed to find a different route.

I wasn't trying to be creepy, but being ignored by someone when you did nothing wrong to begin with is frustrating. It's like coming home to find your mom upset for no reason.

Today was no different. We walked to school before she made no contact with me at all, not even glances. To her, I was invisible.

As I walked down the hallway towards my locker, my mates joined me, some of them talking about sex and the girls they fucked the night before. Gracie, Jamie and Sarah (the popular girls) joined up with their respective friends, Gracie constantly eying me and staring at every part of my body. Moving away, I saw Y/N getting her books.

"Look's like Y/N forgot to change this morning..." Gracie joked. Gracie pulled Y/N's hair, causing her to drop her books.

"Be more careful Y/N. You can't afford to injure someone like me." Gracie kicked a few of her books away, causing Y/N to groan before going to get them.

Watching as Gracie once again tormented Y/N and she did nothing to stop her, I felt bad for Y/N, as Gracie's mother was the Principal and nothing that Gracie did ended in punishment.

I quickly grabbed Y/N's books. Without even a glance at me, she gently grabbed the books from my hand, stuffing the books back into her locker before walking off.

To you, Tom was the privileged asshole who probably fucks every girl who looks at him. When you moved into the house next to his, you were careful. The last thing you wanted was to fall in love with the clichéd boy next door, so you avoided all contact with him, not even a glance.

Getting to school, you went to your locker, rolling your eyes when you heard Gracie's voice.

"Look's like Y/N forgot to change this morning..." Gracie joked. Gracie pulled your hair, causing you to drop your books.

"Be more careful Y/N. You can't afford to injure someone like me." Gracie kicked a few of your books away, causing you to groan before going to get them. As Gracie walked away, you saw a pair of hands pick up the books.

Knowing it was Tom, you didn't even glance at him before you gently grabbed the books from his hands, stuffing them back into your locker.

Walking away, you hoped your day would get better. Unfortunately, it did not.

The day for Y/N got worse.

Gracie found every possible opportunity to harass and torment Y/N. Taking out my phone, I recorded a few of the very rude interactions between Gracie and Y/N, which included Gracie kicking Y/N, stealing her phone and ripping her necklace straight off Y/N's neck.

The necklace interaction was especially hard to watch, as I remember that Y/N got the necklace from her grandmother before she died.

Taking the evidence to one of the nicer teachers, we took the evidence to the office and asked to see Principal Douglass. Obviously, with the amount of evidence again Gracie, her mother had no choice but to suspend Gracie and add a few more acts of punishment that would most likely be inflicted at home.

I watched as Y/N walked around the corner, Gracie coming out of the office with her mother's hand firmly on her shoulder.

"Ah, Y/N. I believe that Gracie has something she wants to do." Principal Douglass smiled.

Gracie hesitantly removed the necklace from her purse, forcefully putting into Y/N's hand with a frown on her face. It was clear that Gracie was intending to use the necklace as a tool for blackmail, but she never got the chance. Gracie walked off fuming, Y/N confused.

"What just happened?" For the first time ever, Y/N talked to me at school.

"Someone must have anonymously shown Principal Douglass a few videos of Gracie harassing and tormenting you." I smiled.

"Well, whoever it was, I hope I can find them and say thanks. I couldn't survive another day with Gracie hurting me." Y/N sighed before walking off. You're welcome Y/N. I was tempted to tell her that it was me who got Gracie in trouble, but I knew that one day, if we were on speaking terms, I would tell her.

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