Peter Parker- Safe song (Part 2)

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A/N: This part 2 is requested by starrr238.

Before Brad could pull you away or try to force Peter off you Peter had already taken you outside the school.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Peter asked, holding you gently.

"T-Thank you." You hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek in appreciation.

I had never seen Y/N so upset. Taking her to my place, the moment the door closed, she broke down onto the couch, unable to prevent the tears that she had held back.

"Y/N, hey, hey, look at me." I lifted her head off the pillow, seeing her eyes tear-stained.

"H-He was so mean to me..." She kept crying. I hugged her, letting her head hit my chest with relief and pain.

"Why didn't you tell me this earlier? I could've helped you..." I looked into her eyes.

"I couldn't. The moment I try and do something on my own, he stops me. He wants me to do whatever he says." Y/N admitted, causing me to let a tear slip. My best friend, my partner, she was in danger and I couldn't help her until now.

"How about I show him who's in charge?" I suggested, Y/N laughing for the first time in hours.

"No offence Peter, but you're not exactly a strongly-built person." She lifted my arm, revealing my less than impressive muscles.

"Hey, I'm sure I can somehow show Brad that he's not the top dog anymore." I smiled, flexing my small muscles.

"'Top dog'? Who are you what have you done with my nerdy best friend Peter?" She asked, shaking me.

"Stop shaking me! I'm just trying to help you stop Brad from continuing his reign of terror." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. If you somehow end Brad's reign of terror, than I'll be forever in your debt." Y/N playfully fell back onto the couch, pretending to faint.

"I'm glad we came to an agreement." I smiled.

"It's less of an agreement, and more of a 'you want to protect me' situation." Y/N smiled, sitting up.
School was boring for the most part. Brad had eyed me a few times, even making a deal with me. I had a plan. A plan that to most, would seem unfair, but if it stopped Brad from controlling people, most importantly his girlfriend, than I didn't see it as unfair.

My plan was simple. I would use my abilities as Spider-Man to injure Brad slightly, embarrassing him.

As promised, Brad was outside near the basketball court, a group of people surrounding him as he waited for me. Once he made eye contact, he didn't hesitate to growl and crack his fingers.

I wasn't scared. I had been apart of a war, fighting against the world's strongest super soldier Captain America and a woman who could fly and move things without touching them. I had even fought an alien from outer space. If I could save the universe from destruction, I could fight a school bully.

Moving closer to Brad, the circle that once only surrounded him was around me too.

I could see Y/N standing outside the circle, her hands fidgeting.

"You're dead for even looking at Y/N, Peter." Brad yelled before he threw a punch, my Spider-Sense allowing me to avoid the punch.

I landed a few punches on his face, front flipping and back flipping a lot to avoid Brad's attacks.

After a few punches and charges, I had Brad on the ground, fear across his face.

"Repeat after me. I, Brad Davis." I started.

"I-I, Brad Davis..." He repeated.

"Promise to never, ever." I looked at his arms trying to break free.

"Promise to never, ever..." He repeated.

"Mistreat Y/N or any other girl ever again." I looked over at Y/N who was in shock by what had happened.

"Mistreat Y/N or any other girl ever again." Brad spoke before I let him go.

"Bye now." I smiled before Brad ran off, his friends following him.

"How did you do all of that?!" Y/N was shocked.

"Luck?" I lied.

"Well, if it was luck, than you sure are lucky that Brad didn't beat you to the ground!" Y/N hugged me.

"I'd do it all again, just for you." I smiled, hugging her.

"Let's just hope you won't have to do it again, seeing as you probably not only scared Brad, but all the other boys in school too." Y/N laughed as we walked back to our lockers, getting ready for the last two classes of the day.

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