Peter Parker- Field trip

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I stood at the door to Mr Stark's lab. I was a bit nervous. Knocking on the door, I took a deep breath in and out before I heard his voice.

"Come in." He spoke. Opening the door, I watched as Mr Stark upgraded his suit.

"Hey kid." He smiled, stopping his work.

"Hey, Mr Stark. You know how my aunt May is out of town for her F.E.A.S.T retreat?" I asked as Mr Stark walked over to me, nodding.

"Well, she left this morning but she forgot to sign my permission slip for my field trip in 3 days. I was wondering if you could sign it?" I asked, handing him the paper. Without a second thought, he grabbed a pen, but stopped.

"Where's the field trip to?" He asked, making my heart race.

"Y-You don't want to know." I stuttered, causing Mr Stark to raise one of his eye brows.

"Kid, I can't sign this slip if I don't know where you're going." He spoke, causing me to sigh.

"Fine. The school field trip is to Stark Industries." I slightly whispered, not wanting Mr Stark to hear.

"Come again?" He was confused.

"The school field trip is to Stark Industries." I repeated, Mr Stark looking at me shocked.

"Ok. Here's your slip." He signed it before handing back to me.

"I'll see you in 3 days. Don't worry. I'll pretend not to know you." He smiled before I left his lab, confused by his calmness. I genuinely thought he'd either refuse to sign it or he'd laugh in my face before telling the other Avengers.

I watched as Peter left the room. I quickly hologram called my daughter, the child I had been keeping hidden for years.

"Hey dad, what's up?" She smiled, causing me to sigh.

"You know how you're coming with me to Stark Industries in 3 days to learn about my job?" I asked, her face lighting up.

"Yes?" She smiled.

"Well, you're still going to come with me, but you will need to stay in my office until 2 pm. You must stay in my office." I informed her.

"What? Why?" She asked, confused.

"I'll tell you later." I spoke before hanging up. Truth be told, I was never going to tell her.

Y/N is the daughter I had always wished for. But, when people started to hate me during the Sokovia Accords, I promised both Pepper and myself that I wouldn't let people know that she existed. Keeping her hidden was the only way to prevent people from putting her in an unnecessary spotlight.
After your father's call 3 days ago, you were confused as to why he'd want you to stay in his office for 5 hours. When you and your father left the compound this morning, you arrived at Stark Industries, your father locking you in his office.

3 hours had passed and you were bored. The snacks in the fridge were eaten, and the mini-fridge that had been fully stocked at 9 am was now empty as well.

"Friday. What's going on? Why has my father locked me in here? It doesn't make sense." You asked, activating F.R.I.D.A.Y.

"Your father has instructed me not to tell you." F.R.I.D.A.Y replied, irritating you. Knowing that there was no way to pry any information out of F.R.I.D.A.Y, you hacked your father's office lock, managing to exit the office out into the hallway.

Walking to your left, you managed to get to the main lobby of the building. You watched as a group of teenagers walked the other way, most likely following your father.

Using your digital key-card, you managed to get to your father's lab, seeing a teenager on his own.

"You're not suppose to be here." You made your presence known as the boy jumped.

"Neither are you." He replied, turning around to look at you.

"You don't know if I am or am not allowed to be here. All I know, is Mr Stark wouldn't appreciate a teenage boy looking around in his lab, a portion of Stark Industries that is prohibited to guests." You smiled.

"How do you know that it is prohibited? Does that also make you a trespasser, like me?" He asked, walking closer to you.

"No. Unlike you, my presence in Mr Stark's lab is legal and won't get me in to trouble, as I am a family friend of Mr Stark, which means that I have a digital key-card that allows me access into any and all parts of Stark Industries." You smiled, showing the boy your proof.

"You, on the other hand, have a visitors pass, which means that you most likely belong to the group of teenagers that I have previously seen roaming around the building, following Mr Stark. I suggest that you...Peter Parker, return to the group of teenagers." You informed him, seeing the visitors pass hang from his neck.

"Fine, I'll go. But I want to know you are first." He spoke.

"My name is Y/N...Y/L/N." You lied. He couldn't know that you were Mr Stark's daughter. He stood in front of you, not moving.

"You know who I am. Now go." You instructed him, before you watched him leave the lab.

Knowing that you'd get in trouble if you were caught, you quickly made your way back to your father's office, hacking the lock again so it looked like you'd been in the office the whole time.

I looked at Mr Stark's suits. He had been working on his suit after the last battle, and he also took my Spider-Man suit and began upgrades on it.

"You're not suppose to be here." I heard a female voice, causing me to jump in fear.

"Neither are you." I turned around, seeing the teenage girl who didn't look any older than me.

"You don't know if I am or am not allowed to be here. All I know, is Mr Stark wouldn't appreciate a teenage boy looking around in his lab, a portion of Stark Industries that is prohibited to guests." She smiled, causing me to look at her up and down. How would she know this?

"How do you know that it is prohibited? Does that also make you a trespasser, like me?" I walked closer to the girl.

"No. Unlike you, my presence in Mr Stark's lab is legal and won't get me in to trouble, as I am a family friend of Mr Stark, which means that I have a digital key-card that allows me access into any and all parts of Stark Industries." She smiled, showing me her digital key-card. I wasn't necessarily about to believe her. She could have stolen it from Mr Stark.

"You, on the other hand, have a visitors pass, which means that you most likely belong to the group of teenagers that I have previously seen roaming around the building, following Mr Stark. I suggest that you...Peter Parker, return to the group of teenagers." I was shocked by her knowledge of my name, until I realised that she must have seen my name on the visitors pass hanging around my neck.

"Fine, I'll go. But I want to know who you are first." I spoke, curious as to who this girl was.

"My name is Y/N...Y/L/N." She hesitated before saying her last name, which to me seemed suspicious. I kept looking at her, hoping she'd elaborate further on who she was, not just giving me her name.

"You know who I am. Now go." She instructed, causing me to turn around and leave Mr Stark's lab, presuming that she was watching me.

I quickly found and joined my class before they entered another room, Mr Stark talking about the use for the room. As the door closed behind us, I wondered who that girl really was, and what she was doing in the lab with a digital key-card.

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