Tom Holland- My everything

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A/N: Y/H/C = Your home country. Y/C/N = Your college's name.

When you lose someone, everything changes. When you lose your soulmate, your partner, your best friend, everything in your life changes.

There was a woman I used to know. Her name was Y/N. I met her while I was filming Avengers: Civil War. She was my makeup artist and she never failed to make me camera-ready.

Around the time that Avengers: Infinity War was released, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she accepted. By that time, she had quit her job as a makeup artist, and managed to get a few roles in a few different movies.

By the time Avengers: Endgame was filming, she got a small role in the movie, but a role nonetheless. From then on, she accompanied me to every press event, every interview, every premiere.

The fans loved her so much that Marvel signed her onto a contract and she became a featured character within the MCU. She appeared in many movies, including Spider-Man: Homecoming and Spider-Man: Far From Home.

(2 Years Ago- Avengers: Endgame Premiere)
I stood on the red carpet with Y/N by my side. She smiled as cameras flashed to get photos of us. Zendaya had joined us and soon after Jacob has as well. Heading inside, we watched the film, both Y/N and I unable to hold back tears.

(2 Years Ago- Wired Autocomplete Interview)
Y/N sat beside me as we were halfway through filming our Wired Autocomplete interview. I was holding one of the boards, pulling paper off it.

"Where was Y/N born?" I asked as I ripped another strip of paper, Y/N adjusting her shirt.

"I was born in Y/H/C." She smiled, holding my free hand.

After a while, we had gotten to the WHO questions.

"Who is Y/N Y/L/N's boyfriend?" I asked, blushing.

"My boyfriend is this handsome hunk right here. My nerdy Peter Parker, my hero Spider-Man." Y/N kissed me as she held my free hand again.

"And I wouldn't be with any other man." She smiled before we continued with the questions.

(6 Months Ago)
I sat on my couch, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Robert, Scarlett and Elizabeth sitting alongside me. Y/N was the last person to come over for our annual movie night.

"Does anyone know where Y/N is?" I asked as I switched through the channels, hoping to find a movie.

"Nope. I messaged her an hour ago and she still hasn't replied." Scarlett sipped her wine.

I put the remote down, getting up to get myself some water. I watched as Robert picked up the remote, beginning to channel search.

"Tom..." Chris E. drew my attention to the TV.

Getting to the couch, I held a glass of water in my hand, confused as to why everyone had gone quiet.

"Breaking news. Earlier tonight, famous actress Y/N Y/L/N passed away after a drunk driver collided with her vehicle." The reporter spoke as my heart shattered. I watched as the screen changed to a wide shot of the wreckage. I saw Y/N's silver car, the shattered glass, the door ripped off.

"The other driver that collided with Y/L/N was minorly injured, only sustaining a blow to the head, a broken leg and a few broken ribs." The report finished, Robert turning the TV off.

"Tom...are you-" Before Chris H. could continue, I dropped the glass I was holding, falling to the floor, tears unable to stay concealed.

I cried for hours, my heart dropping every time I imagined her face. I lost the love of my life, my soulmate, my partner, my best friend, the woman I had hoped to marry one day.

(Present Day)
I sat next to Zendaya and Jacob, my face not moving. I was upset. I was constantly thinking about Y/N and how she deserved to be here with us. I looked around, avoiding eye contact with the interviewer, Zendaya and Jacob. I only looked at the interviewer when Zendaya nudged me, telling me that a question was asked to me.

"Tom, how has Y/N's passing impacted your life when it comes to acting?" The interviewer asked, causing me feel uncomfortable. Zendaya held my hand for comfort, allowing me to breathe in and out.

"Since her passing, I have been unable to play certain parts, for example Peter Parker, without crying, since I was dating her when I was Peter Parker/Spider-Man. But nowadays, my best friends Zendaya and Jacob help calm me down so I can film scenes for other projects that I am a part of. I really would be a mess without my friends." I smiled at Zendaya and Jacob briefly before putting on a neutral face, hoping to avoid speaking about Y/N without crying.

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