Tom Holland- Moved on

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You sat at a bar, your head low, a hat on your head and pitch black glasses covering your eyes. You had been hiding for over a week. You were glad that no one had yet recognised you. Looking up at the TV, you weren't surprised to see Jimmy Fallon talking about a celebrity death.

"Tonight, we received news that Y/N Y/L/N, the famous actress and singer, had passed away after a car crash earlier this week. Her body hasn't yet been recovered." He started, everyone in the bar turning their attention to the screen.

"As of now, her fiancé Tom hasn't made a statement, and hasn't posted on social media, and her best friend Zendaya has also not made a statement. We are wishing Y/N's family, and Tom, peace and prayers in this time of tragedy." Jimmy finished his segment before moving on to more happier topics.

"Wow. I hope that Tom is doing okay." The bartender sighed as you got up, leaving a 50 dollar bill on the bench.
(1 Year Later)
You sat at a lovely quiet café. You fidgeted with the engagement ring that Tom had given you a year ago. Every time you looked at it, it reminded you of his proposal to you. Unfortunately, that was all in the past, as you had been dead to the world for a while.

The sun had just gone down. The café was closed, but you sat at one of their tables, watching as groups of paparazzi showed up at the very expensive restaurant across the street. You had only been there once.

You had no idea why the paparazzi was there, until you saw two familiar faces exit the restaurant. It was Tom and Zendaya. You smiled, having not seen them for a year, but your smile dropped when you saw them casually walking out to the car, Tom's hands intertwined with Zendaya's. She smiled, letting him kiss her cheek gently.

Every second that you watched Tom and Zendaya be all lovey-dovey with each other made you sick.

"Tom! Have you moved on from Y/N?" One paparazzi member yelled as flashes of light went off. Tom didn't answer, opening the door for Zendaya.

"Zendaya, how do you feel dating your best friend's ex-fiancé?" The next paparazzi member yelled, Zendaya ignoring them.

You stood up, heading to the nearest post office. You needed to do something that you should have done when you first faked your death.

Removing your engagement ring, you placed it inside an envelope, sealing it up. You wrote down Tom's name and address before sending it off.

Zendaya and I just got back to my house. I felt weird after being asked questions about Y/N. She had been dead for over a year. Why couldn't people just get over the fact that Zendaya and I were now together?

"Tom, there's something here for you." Zendaya handed me an envelope with my name and address on it. Confused, I used a knife to open it up, my heart dropping when I saw what was inside.

"What is it?" Zendaya asked as she sat me down.

I removed Y/N's engagement ring from the envelope, Zendaya now feeling just as weird as me.

"Is that...Y/N's engagement ring?" Zendaya asked, looking at me.

"Yeah." Tom kept looking at it, unable to stop thinking about Y/N. He genuinely wondered how someone sent the ring.

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