𝐵𝑖𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑑𝑎𝑦 {H.S}

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{First story so sorry it's a bit short}

Hailee's pov
*On the phone to Griffin*

Hailee: I've been up since 6.30 trying to make this perfect

Griffin: Hailee calm down I'm sure she's gonna love it

Hailee: I hope so i- shit shit shit

Griffin: Language

Hailee: Damn it, guess this will be a birthday breakfast without pancakes

Griffin: I told you this would happen, your not exactly the best cook

Hailee: Shut up *She pretends to be offended*

Griffin: You better go wake her up before she wakes up herself and the surprise is ruined

Hailee: Yes! Right okay, bye Griff thank you for helping me

After I hung up I took food upstairs to my girlfriend and I's shared bedroom, I placed the tray with the breakfast on it by the bed on a table and lightly shook my girlfriend awake

Hailee: Y/n wake up

Y/n: *You turn away from her and mumble* What time is it?

Hailee: 8.45am

Y/n: Come back in two hours and I'll reconsider

Hailee: *laughs and turns you around to face her* Bubs you need to wake up, I have something for you

Y/n: What? Is it a present?

Hailee: I made you birthday breakfast *she says proudly*

Y/n: Aww you didn't have to do that
You say as you slowly sit up still under the covers, smiling at Hailee

Hailee: I know but I wanted to

You lean forward and connect your lips for a moment before she pulls away

Hailee: as lovely as that was, the food will get cold

Y/n: but-

Hailee: after

You reluctantly sit back up with your back against the headboard and Hailee passes you the tray before standing up and walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day

*Time skip*
You've now finished your breakfast and Hailee walks out the bathroom wearing one of your t-shirts and a pair of shorts, you glance over at her and realise what she's wearing then don't taking your eyes off her

Hailee: Y/n, you're staring

You shake your head to refocus and make eye contact with her

Y/n: You're wearing my shirt

Hailee: Is that a problem?

Y/n: No definitely not but only because you look adorable

Hailee walks towards you smiling shyly, you open your arms and she wraps her arms around you, resting her head on your shoulder. You both sit there in comfortable silence for a few minutes before she pulls back to reposition herself on your lap, she sits there staring into your eyes before leaning in to kiss you. After a few seconds the kiss becomes more passionate unfortunately oxygen became a problem and you both pulled away.

Hailee: I love you

Y/n: I love you too

Hailee: Happy birthday bubs

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