𝑌/𝑛 𝐵𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑜𝑛 {K.B}

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{I know it's mid January but I've had this idea for a while so im just gonna post it}

It's Christmas Eve and your mom and Lila were in the kitchen making dinner, while you, Nathaniel and Cooper were in the living room. You and Nathaniel were reading a book as you waited for your dad to return home. Ten minutes later the front door opened and your dad walked in carrying presents, a few moments later this beautiful girl walked through the door followed by an adorable Labrador, Nathaniel and Cooper ran over to greet them and your mom and Lila entered from the kitchen to say hello but you stayed put on the couch, you couldn't take your eyes off the stranger standing with your dad and it wasn't until your dad called on you to say hello that you refocused

You got up from the couch and walked over to the others standing by the door and smiled at girl before saying hey, she smiled back at you

Clint: Kate this is Y/n my eldest daughter, Y/n this is my partner Kate Bishop

Kate: Hey, it's great to meet you

You found yourself staring at her again struggling to find any words

Y/n: H-hi, it's uh great to meet you too

Is all you could come up with

Laura: Alright everyone into the dining room, dinner is ready

Cooper and Nathaniel raced into the kitchen and you, Kate, your dad, your mom and Lila walked in after them. Everyone took a seat at the table and you felt your heart beating fast as Kate sat down beside you

*Time Skip*

After dinner, copper and Nathaniel relocated to the living room to watch tv as your mom, your dad and Lila started cleaning up

Kate: Where's the bathroom?

Your dad looks at Kate and then turns to you

Clint: Y/n could you please show our guest to the bathroom?

Y/n: Why of course father, right this way *you say mocking the way he phrased his question*

He rolled his eyes at you as you laughed, you lead Kate upstairs to the bathroom, she thanked you before you headed back down the stairs. You sat in the same place on the couch you were before dinner for a good ten minutes before growing concerned as Kate had been upstairs for a while so you decided to quietly go check on her, as you made your way upstairs you noticed the bathroom door wide open and the light turned off so you knew she was no longer in there but continued up the stairs, once you got to the top you saw that your bedroom door was open so you slowly walked towards it and stood in the doorway watching as Kate was standing in the middle of the floor gazing around the room, a few moments later you cleared your throat and she quickly turned around

Kate: Y/n hey, sorry I-I uh-

You cut her off and walk towards her

Y/n: It's okay, you don't have to apologise

You get within centimetres from Kate and stop, you both stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds

Kate: Your room is adorable

Y/n: It's not changed since I was eleven

Kate: wait seriously? That's cute *she laughs*

You stare at her while she is laughing thinking to yourself how adorable her laugh is

Kate: What are you staring at?

Y/n: Nothing *you're quick to answer*

Kate: Y/n?

Y/n: *You sigh* Um I was uh-

You're cut off by Kate's lips connecting with yours, you start kissing her back even though your still in shock over what she just did

Cooper: Hey Y/n, dad sent me up here to tell you that we're putting on a movie, if you wanna-

He pauses in the doorway and stops speaking, stunned at what he's looking at

Y/n: Cooper! Geez dude knock first will you

Cooper: Sorry, I just... I wasn't expecting-

Y/n: It's fine, tell dad we'll be down in a minute

You and Kate both smile at him and he turns around and heads back down stairs, you turn back to Kate and kiss her on the cheek before leaving the room.

You entered the living room and took a seat in the corner of the couch moments later Kate walked down and sat beside you, you reached out for the blanket that was draped over the top of the couch and put it over the top of you and Kate. About halfway through the movie you put your hand on Kate's thigh under the blanket and smiled up at her, she smiled back at you and placed her hand on top of yours before focussing back on the movie.

After the movie finished Nathaniel had already fallen asleep so your dad told Cooper to take him upstairs, shortly after your mom and Lila went to bed too leaving you, Kate and your dad sitting in front of the tv, the three of you made small talk for a while before your dad stands up and walks over to you to give you a hug goodnight, you quickly take your hand off Kate's thigh and stand up to hug him

Clint: Don't stay up too much longer

Y/n: We won't

You smiled at him and he smiled back before walking up the stairs leaving just you and Kate, you yawned and turned to Kate who was still sitting on the couch

Kate: You're tired Y/n, go to bed

Y/n: What? I'm fine I'm not that tired

Kate: I've known you what...10 hours and I can already tell when you're lying *she laughs*

You sigh and kiss her on the cheek then turn to face the stairs and walk away but she grabs your hand and turns you back around

Kate: Goodnight

Y/n: Goodnight Kate

You smile at each other for a couple seconds then she releases your hand to let you walk away, she stands there smiling to herself before walking down the hall to the guest bedroom

{Sorry if that was a shit ending and sorry for any spelling errors or mistakes of any kind}

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