𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒 {H.S}

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~~~Y/n's Pov~~~
I've been quarantining for 3 months and it's been the most boring, unproductive 3 months of my life. It's really hard to write songs when you have no motivation or inspiration and I've pretty much done every possible fun thing in my apartment so for the 20th time I decided to go live

Y/n: Hey everyone, sorry if you're sick of seeing my face everyday

Y/n: I thought today I would just answer any questions you guys have so ask away

People started asking questions in the comments but you quickly noticed a familiar username one that had appeared in the comments every time you went live so you decided to mess with them

Y/n: Give me a moment guys, I'll be right back

A few minutes later you sat back down in front of your phone placing the Alexa on the table

Y/n: Alexa...shuffle songs by Hailee Steinfeld

Alexa: Shuffling songs by Hailee Steinfeld on Amazon music

*Most Girls starts playing*

You start singing along while reading the comments briefly stopping to answer questions, after a few song play you decide to invite Hailee onto your live to mess with her even more

Y/n: and there we go, Hi!

Hailee: Hey Y/n

Y/n: I'm assuming you're bored out of your mind too as your always watching my lives

Hailee: *she blushes* Yes I'm very bored

Y/n: *You laugh at her getting embarrassed* well now you have someone to talk too

Hailee: How's the song writing going?

Y/n: not well, I have no motivation to write anything

Hailee: Aw I wish I was there to help you

Y/n: I wish you were here too

You look back at the comment section and start laughing when you see everyone freaking out

Omg just start dating already
You guys are too adorable
Seriously just say your dating

Hailee: What?

Y/n: Guys we're not dating, we just great friends

Hailee: *Reads the comments* Omg

After 20 more minutes of talking to Hailee you decide to end the live as it was getting late

Y/n: Thank you so much for joining the live Haiz

Hailee: Not a problem, that was the most fun I've had in months

Once you ended the live you were about to turn off your phone to sleep but Hailee texted you

Hailee: you don't think they suspected anything do you?
Y/n: No Haiz, we're fine
Hailee: If you're sure
Y/n: Goodnight Haiz, love you x
Hailee: Night, love you too xx

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