𝑊ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝𝑠 {E.J}

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Takes place before the worlds (pp2)
Beca is your sister and you are a Bella
You and Emily are the same age

You and your sister Beca had just arrived at Bellas practice, much to your dismay you had arrived 15 minutes late and as always Aubrey was not happy about that

Aubrey: Seriously you two...again?!

Beca: Aubrey chill, we're only 15 minutes late this time

Y/n: We're here aren't we? *You say before turning your head in the direction of Emily to smile at her*

Aubrey: We don't have time for this again, take a sheet and sit

About half an hour into rehearsal everyone was spread around the room learning their parts of the number, no one had spoken in a while and everyone seemed pretty focussed

Emily: Hey babe, can you pass me that pen?

You look up from your sheet and you can feel everyone's eyes on you, you do as she asks and toss her the pen even though you feel intimidated by everyone's staring eyes, Emily glances at everyone staring at you not yet clocking what she just said then everyone looks towards Emily and she raises her hand over her mouth

Emily: I-I...um...it's not what-

She starts panicking and tries to explain but fails miserably

Emily: I didn't...i mean- I...I-

Y/n: It's over

Emily turns her attention to you and so does everyone else

Emily: What?

Y/n: It's over, they know *you pause* well the privacy was fun while it lasted *you softly smile*

Emily: Ohhh *she relaxes after she realises what you mean*

At this point no one else has said anything and it's getting awkward

Fat Amy: I knew it... I freaking knew it

You turn to her then to Emily with a confused look on your face and Emily just shrugs

Fat Amy: Pay up Chloe

Chloe: I knew I shouldn't have taken that bet

Y/n: Wait hold on...a bet? What bet?

Fat Amy: Long story short, I knew you guys were dating and Chloe didn't think you were so we made a bet

Chloe: That's basically the whole story, there is no more to it

Emily: How much did you bet?

Chloe: 20$

Y/n: Dude that what stupid but I don't understand how did you know?

Fat Amy: It was pretty obvious

Y/n: Beca?

She just looks at you and half smiles

Y/n: Stacie?

Stacie nods

Y/n: And you didn't say anything?

Beca: You guys looked happy, we thought if we mentioned anything before you guys were ready it would make you uncomfortable and we didn't want to put you in that position, also that one over there *gesturing to Chloe* didn't agree with us

You looked at Emily then back at Beca

Y/n: Well, thank you

You walk over to Emily and wrap your arms around her neck before pulling her into a hug

Y/n: Not gonna lie, kinda glad that's over

Emily: *she sighs* yeah me too

You both break away from the hug to see the Bellas faces in aw of what they just watched

Aubrey: That was adorable

Beca: Hey Em, if you ever hurt my sister I swear to-

Y/n: Beca!

Beca: Sorry *she lowers her head*

Emily: I know Beca, frankly I'm kinda scared of you as it is but you don't need to worry I don't plan on ever letting her go *she says wrapping her arms around your waist from behind*

A massive "awww" is heard from the other Bellas and you and Emily can't help but laugh

Hope you enjoyed the first Emily story
Have a great day/night wherever you are in the world :)

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