𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 {E.D}

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~~~Emily's Pov~~~

"I'm so glad you're back" I slowly swayed side to side holding onto my girlfriend's waist, "I'm glad I'm back too, I missed you Emily" I lean in and softly kiss her and of course she kisses back, soon the kiss turns more passionate. "Emily, I'm going out to see-" Austin stops in the door way and his sentence trails off when he sees me and Y/n, Me and Y/n pull away and turn to face him "AUSTIN SERIOUSLY" I glare at him "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting...this" he waves his hands in front of him gesturing towards me and Y/n. "When did this happen?...What even is happening?... are you guys together?" He starts to stutter and ramble. "AUSTIN" I walk over to him and place my hands on his shoulders "Yes, me and Y/n are together but you can't tell anyone" I stay calmly but firm so that he understands. "O-Okay I promise I won't tell anyone" Once Austin calmed down he left to go meet up with whoever he was going to meet, i never actually found out who he was going to meet after everything that happened but it wasn't that important, "Now where were we?" I say walking back over to my girlfriend

~~~Third Person Pov~~~

"There you are, what took you so long? Sue asks as Austin walks towards her, "Sorry...just something with Emily" Austin replies while going in for a hug which she reciprocates "Is everything okay?" Sue asks with a worried look on her face as they pull away from the hug. "Yes...yes everything is fine" "Austin, come on I know when you're lying" He sighs before considering is options, deciding whether or not to tell her. "Fine...Emily and Y/n are dating" "WHAT" Sue shouts in question and surprise, "Sue! Seriously? ow" "Sorry- Emily and Y/n?" "Yes Emily and Y/n but I wasn't supposed to tell anyone so you can't say anything to anyone...okay?" He raises one eyebrow at her waiting for her reply "Okay I won't, now come on we're going to be late" She grabs his hand and they walk off down the street.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Emily was just sitting on her bed reading  until she was interrupted by her bedroom door swinging open and you running into the room very out of breath. "Oh my- Y/n are you okay?" Emily jumps off the bed and runs over to you "Did...did- oh give me a second... did you tell Sue about us?" You ask once you've somewhat caught your breath, "what? No I didn't" Emily replies sounding confused but annoyed because she knows who told Sue. "Well she knows and so does Lavinia" "Lavinia knows too? I'm going to kill him" Emily walks past you and out the room. "Wait what? Kill who?...Emily!" You follow her out the room and catch up to her, she says nothing and keeps walking towards the main living area

"Austin, i'm going to kill you!" Emily shouts as she storms into the room "Oh no" Austin gets up from his chair very quickly "before you get angry, I only told Sue and she promised that she wouldn't tell anyone" he rambles in defence, "Well it turns out neither of you are good at keeping secrets" Emily fires back at him before turning to Sue who was sat in a chair staring up at her "I'm sorry Emily I just felt bad that Lavinia didn't know and me and Austin did, please don't be mad" Emily sighs before sitting in the chair behind her "I'm not mad, you would all find out sooner or later" You walk over to the chair she's sitting in and lean down draping your arms over her shoulders "Glad that's over" you let out a small laugh, "Me too" she turns her head and looks up at you, you lean down a bit more a softly kiss her and she reciprocates. "Aww, you two are so cute" Sue says quietly but loud enough for you to hear it, "way to ruin the moment Sue" you laugh while pulling away from the kiss and look up in her direction, "Sorry but you are" Sue replies in defence "oh I know" you smirk before walking around the chair and sitting next to Emily

Hope you guys liked my first Emily story <3

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