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-Third Person pov-

The ballroom looked amazing, shimming lights hanging from the ceiling illuminating the jewels on the dresses of the guests dancing around the room. Emily stood in the corner watching as her brother Austin took his girlfriend's hand in his and walked onto the floor, "you okay?" The voice of Emily's best friend Sue asked, "y-yeah...just watching" Emily replies snapping out her trance, "That sounded quite creepy but I'll skip past it..." Sue laughed before noticing Emily was no longer listening, "jealous?" Sue asked after a moment of silence, "what? Me? J-jealous no" Emily stammered in response causing Sue to laugh again. "Come on Emily...it's so obvious you're in love with her" Emily sighed and briefly looked at the couple dancing then back at Sue, "so what if I am?" Emily asks not daring to look Sue in the eyes, "she's with Austin...he loves her"

- -

Emily was left standing alone again after Sue was asked to dance, she grew bored of the party and walked out of the ballroom towards a restroom. She knew how it looked to all the snobby, stuck up, middle aged friends of her parents in that room, standing alone in a corner all night not a single man asking her to dance but honestly she was glad no one did because she didn't feel like trying to politely turn him down. She sat on the counter beside the sink politely smiling as multiple women walked in and out of the restroom

- -

Some time passed, she wasn't sure how much as there was no clock in the restroom but the music outside had gotten quieter, the restroom door swung open for like the millionth time tonight but Emily continued staring down at her hands, "Oh Emily...what are you doing in here?" A familiar voice asked after the door closed, "Y/n...h-hi" Emily greeted you after realising who it was, "you okay?...you've been away for a while" you asked walking closer to her, "doesn't matter, one no noticed anyway" she replied looking back down her her hands. "I noticed and you didn't answer my question" you stopped right I front of her and put your hand under her chin lifting her head up gently, "tell me Emily" you said slightly tilting your head, "I can't" she replied looking down again

You removed your hand from under her chin and walked towards the restroom door locking it, "what are you doing?" Emily asks as you walk back over, "not that you wanna leave but we're not leaving until you tell me what's wrong" you say sternly but sincerely as you do actually care about her, "you'll hate me...Austin will hate me...everyone will hate me" Emily looks down at her hands again "Austin?" You question raising one eyebrow, "yeah" Emily practically whispers, "why would your own brother hate you?" You put your fingers under her chin again gently bringing her head up to look at you, "now keep it there" you tell her. Neither one of you had noticed how close you both were but considering she couldn't look down at her hands again Emily soon realised how close you were, "you're really close to me" she speaks up swallowing the lump in her throat, "am I making you uncomfortable?" You ask and she shakes her head, "do I make you nervous?" Emily's eyes widened and immediately locked with yours, "n-no" she stammered clearly lying. "Are you sure princess?" You raised one eyebrow awaiting her answer, "mhmm" was all Emily could come up with "words babygirl" Emily looked at you for a second before doing something she never thought she would ever do, she placed her hand behind your head pulling you closer and closing the small gap that was still between you connecting your lips with hers in a deep, loving kiss

"Wow" you said after pulling away, "If I didn't do it now I would never do it" Emily smiled innocently at you, "I'm glad you did...you kiss way better than your brother by the way" you laughed causing Emily to laugh. "Our little secret?" Emily asks, "what the kiss or the fact you kiss better than Austin?" You say confused. "The kiss" she replies jumping down from the counter, "yeah for now...as long as we keep this thing going" you gesture between the two of you "What thing exactly?" Emily questions, "I like you Emily...I have for a while but we can't openly be together for obvious reasons so if that means I have to live my life and pretend I'm in love with a man then so be it, as long as I get to be with you in private" You confess and Emily's eyes go wide, "you like me?" She asks and you nod. "Obviously I want to continue this but what if we get caught?" You sigh and think for a moment, "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" you try reassure her

- -

It's been a week since the whole restroom kissing confession and things are going pretty good, you're still with Austin but every night you sneak out your bedroom window and stay with Emily. No one has found out yet luckily at least you don't think anyone has

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I don't know how I feel about this story but it's an Emily Dickinson one so that's all that matters lmao
Hopefully you liked it! <3
Have a great day/night and remember don't be an a**hole and spoil Doctor Strange MoM

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