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-Hailee's Pov-

"Hi, where's the Westfield building" I asked some random student standing on the lawn, "Uhh that way" he replied pointing down the path and I just nodded a 'thanks'

I'm visiting my cousin at MIT today and I think it's pretty obvious I don't go here since I have no idea where anything is

"Aw shit sorry" I was too focused on taking in all the scenery on campus I wasn't looking where I was going, "oh my stars...I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I frantically say after realising I had just walked into someone causing them to drop their books, "No no it's okay...it was my fault" we both bent down to pick up the dropped books and I swear it was something out the movies when I reached for the books and my hand touched theirs. "I was my fault, I was too busy looking around to look where I was going" I apologised again after helping the person pick up their books, "how about it's partly your fault and partly my fault...?" The person looked up and oh my- "I'm Y/n" she extended her hand out to me to shake so I did and her hands were so soft. "H-Hailee" I replied stuttering a tiny bit fuck "nice to meet you Hailee...I'm assuming you don't go here?" She asked with a big smile on her face damn she's cute, wait what?, "what? Am I not smart enough for MIT?" I replied quirking my right eyebrow, "no no that's not what I-I-" now she was the one stuttering and rambling, "relax...I'm just messing with you" I just barely said considering I was laughing so much. "But no I don't go here...I'm visiting my cousin," damn it was hard not to stare directly into her eyes and blush like an idiot when she spoke, "well I'll let you go...it was nice meeting you Hailee" she gave me a warm smile before walking away

"Hey wait...do you maybe wanna go out later? Maybe, you can say no I-I just you're cute...I mean nice and I didn't want you to walk away without asking..." I started rambling again and only stopped when I heard her laughing "what?" I ask confused and she stops laughing, "Hailee, i think you're nice too...of course I'll go out with you" she replied and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. "Do you have pen in amongst all that school stuff?" She searched her bag for a pen then handed one to me, "may I?" I asked gesturing to her hand and she extended it to me, "there...call me later okay?" I told her after writing my number on her hand. We exchanged a smile before I turned and walked to my cousin's apartment

Finally an update to this book lmao I know it's only been like 6 days but it's unlike me to not post although this story is quite short

Part 2??

Idea cred to therrymerry
Tysm I needed an idea and urs was amazing, hope this is how u imagined the story <3

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