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-Slight make out session warning-
-Hailee's Pov-

Nothing better than sunbathing on a beach, seriously nothing beats it. I'm currently on holiday with my parents and brother in Italy and it's been amazing, "Hailee if you sunbathe for any longer you'll fry" my mom tells me gently shaking me, "fine fine...I'm gonna go get ice cream" I give in not really wanting to "fry"

"Chocolate for me please" Griffin shouted having clearly heard me and my mom's conversation, "Rocky road please" my dad added and I turn my head to my mom, "strawberry please" I sighed and rolled my eyes now that I had to buy ice cream for everyone

"One chocolate, one Rocky road, one strawberry and one vanilla please" i ordered the ice cream then paid the guy before he proceeded to scoop the ice cream

"Thank you...oh shit" the man handed me the ice cream cones all at once and I'm definitely not gonna make it that far holding all 4, "want a hand?" A unfamiliar voice asked, "y-yeah please" I replied when I looked up to see a beautiful girl who looked about the same age as me. She took two cones out my hands and waited for me to show her where to go, "I'm guessing you're not here by yourself?" She asked as we walked, "I'm here with my parents and brother" I replied and her face lit up, "no way me too...they're on the other side of the beach though" oh my stars she has the cutest smile. "Oh all the way down there? Are you sure you wanna help me carry these?...it'll take you even further away" I told her a little nervously, "relax...I'm sorry I don't even know your name" she laughed, cutest laugh ever omg, no stop you don't even know her. "Hailee" I went to extend my hand for her to shake before remembering I was still holding ice cream, "I'm Y/n...and as I was saying before, it's not that far I'll be okay" she gave me a smile and before I could say anything else Griffin ran up to us, "Hailee...oh who's your friend?" He asked looking at her. "Griffin, this is Y/n, Y/n this is my brother Griffin" I introduced them to each other and they smiled at one another, "nice to meet you...thank you for bringing the ice cream safely" Griffin laughed, "no problem, it was nice meeting you too" and with that Griffin ran off with his and my parents ice cream

"Thank you for helping me, I know you now have to walk away back down there and I'm sorry" I said after Griffin ran away, "really it's no problem...you don't have to apologise" she said giving me a reassuring smile, "is there anything I can do for you? You know to return the favour" she thought for a moment "you could meet me at that hotel over there's pool at 9?" She says pointing towards the hotel I was staying at, "you're not gonna kidnap me or anything are you?" I ask just making sure. "What? No definitely not" she laughs

"You have a cute laugh..." she smiles widely "...did I say that out loud?, I uh meant you have a-a-" I ramble but she stops me, "Hailee! If I makes you feel any better i was going to say the same thing about you" again she gives me a reassuring smile, "i better go...my family will be wondering what's taking me so long" I nod my in agreement, "it was nice meeting you Y/n" she goes to walk past me but stops right beside me, "and i know it's obvious but don't forget your swimsuit" she whispers in my ear before continuing to walk away and I must say that sent shivers down my spine, "ooh Hailee's got a girlfriend!" I hear Griffin shout and I just roll my eyes

I walked out the hotel door into a big enclosed space with a giant pool in the middle, I was wearing a oversized shirt on over my swimsuit because it was a little colder than it was earlier as it was now 9pm. I looked around and surprisingly we were the only ones there, "hey" Y/n said walking over to me wearing a black swimsuit, "H-hi" I replied while unbuttoning my shirt, "you okay?" I wasn't looking at her but I could sense the smirk as she said that, "yeah yeah I'm okay" I replied tossing my shirt onto one of the chairs. She jumped into the pool and shortly after I followed, we just swam about for a little talking about random things until she gently grabbed my hand and swam over to the edge, "what are yo-" she put her finger over my lips before I could finish. She wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me closer, I knew what was happening but when she connected our lips I couldn't quite believe it was happening, I kissed her back quickly after the starstruck feeling went away, her lips were so soft and addictive, I don't even know where this confidence came from but I ran my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance which she granted me almost instantly, I slipped my tongue in connecting it with hers and she let out a soft moan at the feeling, she pulled me impossibly closer deepening the kiss. A few moments later oxygen became a problem and we slightly pulled away before she unwrapped her arms and slid out from between me and the wall towards the steps, she gestured for me to follow her so I did

She sat down on the second step still in the water and patted her lap for me to sit on, I sat down and wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her closer before connecting our lips again, she licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted and she deepened the kiss, i started grinding my hips on her causing her to moan loudly into the kiss, she moved her hands from my waist to my ass guiding my movements, the kis- well full on make out session went on for a few minutes more before we pulled away for air, "that was-" I start still trying to catch my breath, "amazing" she finishes my sentence exactly the way I would have, I nod my head in agreement and look around the pool just checking no one was there, "good thing we're alone" I joked causing her to cutely laugh again

-Hope you like this one as much as I do-
Idea cred therrymerry
Again tysm for another amazing idea
Hope this is how you imagined it <3

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