𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 {H.S}

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~~~Hailee's Pov~~~

I was sitting on the couch watching The devil wears Prada, I say watching but I wasn't really paying attention anymore as Y/n has been on her phone for most of the movie and I really wanted to watch the movie with her as we've both been really busy lately and this was our weekend to spend together. After sitting contemplating what to do an idea pops into my head and I know for a fact it will get Y/n off her phone

I place my hand on her thigh and more my finger around in circles but nothing, she doesn't look up from her phone. I move closer to her and start kissing her neck, finding her sweet spot and focusing there

~~~Y/n's Pov~~~

"Hailee?" I ask a little confused by her sudden act, "Yes?" She mumbles as she continues to kiss me. She pulls away from my neck and takes my phone out my hand tossing it to the other side of the couch, "Hey!...i was watching that video" I say trying to sound annoyed even though I'm not because I know what she wants so she could toss my phone out the window and I couldn't be annoyed right now, "Sorry" she replies sarcastically "Was that sarcasm?...Rude" I gently nudge her shoulder and she laughs. She doesn't say anything else, she just stares at me so I pull her onto my lap and pull her down closer. I kiss her and she of course kisses me back, as the kiss becomes more passionate she runs her hands through my hair gripping gently, I moan quietly but Hailee hears me so she moves down to my jaw then to my neck, kissing the same place as before over and over marking my skin. "Upstairs?" Hailee asks pulling away from my neck once again, I nod and she gets off me before reaching out her hand for me to take which I do and she leads me upstairs...

Sorry it was so short, it's literally 336 words 😭 but I put ... so might be a part 2 <3

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