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People tend to use Hailee's 2021 Met Gala look a lot more for stories so I'm gonna use her 2018 one <3

~~~Y/n's Pov~~~

The Met Gala, one of the biggest nights of the fashion calendar and I just walked the red carpet which was amazing...ly scary and stressful but it's okay, "Y/n! Hey" my friend Shawn calls from the end of the carpet "Hi" I greet him as he goes in for a hug. "How are you enjoying your first Met Gala?" He asks as we pull away from the hug "Walking the carpet was nerve wracking but I'm having fun." We're then guided into a big room where the main event of tonight takes place, Shawn and I sit down at our respective table consisting of Jared Leto, Selena Gomez, Hailee Steinfeld and the two of us, I've met Jared and Selena before but I've never met Hailee although I knew she was a friend of Shawn's. "Hailee hey" Shawn says getting up out his seat again to hug her "Hey" she greets him mid hug "Hailee this is Y/n...Y/n this is Hailee" he says after the hug is over "oh I know who she is, I loved Beauty and the beast by the way" (Yes you were Belle in batb instead of Emma Watson) "Seriously? That's so cool thank you...I love you in literally everything you've been in" I reply a little flustered, I extend my hand for her to shake "No way, I'm a hugger c'mon" Hailee says and I move my hand away and she goes in for a hug that I obviously reciprocate

The main event of the night begins and lasts for a few more hours

After the event came to a close everybody gathered in a massive ballroom for the after party, I stuck close to Shawn and Hailee pretty much the whole event not because I was nervous or anything I was actually fine just because they're good company especially Hailee no offence to Shawn but spending time with Hailee was super fun

During the after party Shawn and I parted ways and he went over to Ariana, yes Ariana Grande. I started a bit of light conversation with Jared Leto and Blake Lively until a familiar voice called me over "Hey Y/n" I turned and seen Hailee gesturing me over wine glass in hand, I turned back to Jared and Blake and they smiled and gestured for me to go over there, "Hey Hailee" I said once I walked over to her "Hey...sit sit" Hailee pats the seat beside her and I sit down, "So tell me...did you enjoy your first Met Gala?" She asks "I did yeah, it was unlike any other event I've attended" I reply taking a sip of my drink "Who was your favourite person to meet tonight?" "Other than you? Hmm probably Sarah Jessica Parker" Hailee's eyes widen as she takes another sip of her drink, "Good choice...i seen you and Jared talking a lot, are you friends?" She asks "Oh yeah for sure, we've been friends since 2015 we met filming Suicide Squad" "I love that movie, it was so cool how they filmed it and everyone in it played their parts so great..." Hailee starts to ramble which was so cute wait what, did I just think that? Shi- "...I'm sorry I'm rambling, you talk" "I'm sorry that was weird too...I just forced you to talk, you don't have to talk if you don't want to" Hailee puts her head in her hands leaning on the table, I place my hand down on top of Hailee's "You're okay, that was just a lot of information to get in 30 seconds..." I begin to say and she lifts her head up to look at me "...Plus the rambling was cute that's why I didn't stop you" I continue and she smiles

"Sorry I'm not quite sure what happened there I just got a bit nervous" she says lifting her drink up to her mouth muffling the last few words of her sentence, "sorry what was that last part?" I ask as I couldn't quite hear her "I said I got nervous" she takes a sip of her drink and places it back down on the table "Nervous? Why would you be nervous?" I say acting clueless "You're gonna make me say it aren't you?..." she sighs and takes another sip of her drink finishing the glass "You're cute...more than cute, beautiful" She says not making eye contact with me "Hailee look at me" she slowly turns her head to face me "You're more than cute too" she smiles causing me to smile too "Hey Y/n...it's getting pretty late if you want me to drive you home soon" Shawn says joining our conversation "Yeah yeah, now would be good...I'll meet you outside in a few?" He nods and hugs Hailee Goodnight before heading outside

"I had fun tonight, thank you" I say standing up from my seat "For what?" Hailee says also standing up "You know what for Steinfeld..." you laugh "...for making this night really fun" you continue "Well you're very welcome, I had fun too" I stick my arms out signalling for a hug and Hailee leans in to hug me, after she pulls away she smiles and I smile back "Are you busy tomorrow?" She looks down at her phone on the table tapping the screen "Well today" she contradicts herself once she realises its 1.10AM "Can't say I am" "Okay, do you wanna go out for lunch maybe?" She asks a little nervous like she's gonna get rejected, "Like a date Steinfeld?" I ask playfully and she nods "Well in that case...Yes I do" she smiles brightly and pulls me in for another hug and I hug her back "If you want Shawn can take you home too" I offer "No it's okay, my mom is coming to pick me up" she softly laughs, "Okay then...I'll see you later" I pick up my bag from the chair "I'll dm you, so we know where to meet" "Trust me Hailee I'll be picking you up, I'm gonna make this the best date of your life" I say before walking towards the door to meet Shawn

"That went well" Shawn says once we get into his car "It did yeah, the met gala is fun" I say, "No I mean with Hailee...you got a date with her right?" He asks while pulling into the street "I did yeah" I say proudly

Ignore the Met Gala mistake in this, I know Shawn wasn't at the 2018 Met Gala but for this story he was

I'm actually obsessed with this part ngl

This was supposed to be a really short story but to hell with that, this took over two hours to write (mainly cuz I spent most of it looking at the gorgeous human being that is Jared Leto attending the Met Gala) and now it's 1.30AM soooo...hope you enjoyed <3

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