𝐹𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑌𝑜𝑢 {K.B}

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"And that is why we take out the trash and don't just let the trash build up" You slouch in your chair as Tony keeps talking about pointless stuff that's not even official avengers business. You start playing with the rings on your fingers, completely zoning out of the meeting.

"Y/n...Y/n?" Tony waves his hand in front of your face attempting to get your attention, "What? Tony stop doing that" you swat his hand away from your face. "Are you listening?" He asks sternly, "Yeah...yeah of course" you look down at your hands desperately trying not to make eye contact, "What was I just saying?" You look up at him reluctantly and he raises his eyebrows at you "um...you were saying about taking out the trash" you trail off the end of your sentence knowing what's about to happen. "Seriously Y/n, you have to start listening these meetings are important!" You were used to Tony giving you lectures about listening in meetings and you just didn't care anymore. "Really? These meetings are important? You were talking about taking out the trash...that's not important Tony, it's not even proper avengers business!" You fire back at him. "That's it Y/n!... Go to your room now"

"Go to my room? Tony I'm 22 you can't send me to my room" you shout back a little confused, "Yes I can! I just did...now go Y/n" You give in not wanting to argue anymore and leave the room to go to your bedroom. "Hey...bet you 20$ Kate will do something to join Y/n" Yelena whispers to Peter "I don't think she will, Tony seems really annoyed she won't have the guts to do something right now so your on" Peter whispers back to Yelena before shaking her hand under the table. "Anyone else bored and want to go?" Tony says still annoyed from the previous events. Suddenly Kate stands up forcefully knocking over the chair she was sitting on, hesitates for a moment when she realises everyone is staring at her then she pushes all the papers that were in front of her on the table off the table onto the floor. Tony turns his attention to her and opens his mouth to say something "Fuck you" Kate says before Tony can say anything "That's it...Kate go to your room too!" Tony raises his voice again and Kate quickly runs upstairs obviously going to your room instead of her own. "Anyone else?" Tony questions looking around the room and everyone just stays silent, "Cough up Parker" Yelena whispers to Peter and he reluctantly reaches into his pocket for his wallet pulling out 20$ and handing it to her, "I hate you" Peter scoffs and Yelena just quietly laughs before they both turn their attention back to Tony


Kate knocks on your door after running up the stairs and patiently waits for you to let her in, "Tony go away...you can shout at me later" Kate decides just to open the door "Tony I said-" You stop mid sentence when you see her standing in the doorway smirking at you. "What did you do?" you question as Kate walks over to your bed and sits on the edge, "I may have knocked over a chair and pushed some papers onto the floor...oh and I said Fuck you to Tony" You smile and open your arms for her, she crawls into your arms and you both lie down on the bed. "Thank you for doing that" you say while keeping eye contact, "Not a problem...I'd rather be here with you than down there listening to Tony talk about random shit" she leans in to kiss you which you reciprocate, you reluctantly pull away for oxygen and smile at her before turning on your side to reach for the remote

"What do you wanna watch?" You say while sitting up a bit resting your head on the backboard, "a Melissa McCarthy movie?" Kate says as she places her head on your chest. "YES" you say excitedly as you love Melissa McCarthy
(A/n: sorry if you don't love her but I do so I really wanted to include her lol)

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