𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑡 {H.S}

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You and Hailee have been dating for about a year but due to you both being busy with your jobs you haven't seen each other in a few months, Hailee's tour recently started and you have been working non stop in the studio writing/recording your new album but you would text her every night just to check up and she would do the same

Normally Hailee would be the first to hear your new songs especially once you had finished an album but this time she couldn't be there which broke your heart a little, As far as Hailee knew you were still working on your album so she never expected you to come to any shows but when your friend Shawn texted you saying Hailee was playing Staples Center in LA you wanted to surprise her

You knew Hailee loved big surprises so you didn't just want to show up backstage you wanted some elaborate so you called Hailee's manager and told him your great idea, you told your friend Shawn because you knew he was going to be at the concert

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

You didn't want Hailee to get suspicious so for the last few nights you've been telling her how difficult it has been to write the last song for the album

Crew member: Hailee your going on in 5

Hailee paced up and down the corridor backstage checking her phone, no matter how busy you were you always made time to text her before the show but it had completely slipped your mind to do so

Shawn: Are you okay?

Hailee: Yeah...yeah, why wouldn't i be?

Shawn: You're pacing, you're not normally this nervous

Hailee: Y/n normally texts me before I go on

Shawn: Hailee tonight is going to be amazing, I'm sure she's just had a burst of inspiration for the song

Crew member: Hailee, it's time *she gestures to the stage left entrance*

Shawn: You're gonna be great *he smiles before walking away to the vip section where Selena (another friend of Hailee's and your's) and Hailee's family are*

Hailee walks on stage, as the lights start flashing and loud screams from the audience are heard, the music begins and Hailee starts singing

You're standing by the entrance to stage right, resting against the wall listening to her sing. A crew member passes you a microphone as the next song 'capital letters' starts playing, you wait until the chorus before preparing to go on stage

For worse or for better
Gonna give it to you
In capital letters

As Hailee prepared to sing the second verse a spotlight appeared upstage right and the audience screamed as you stepped forward into the light and begin to sing,

We put a crack in the shadows
And you tell me it's okay to be the light
And not to swim in the shallows
No, no
And I wanna get drunk with you
When we lie so still, but you're taking me places
Holding me onto you
And we don't care who's watching us, baby

By the time you've finished the verse your standing right in front of Hailee who's looking at you like you're a ghost but she manages to snap out of it and starts singing the chorus with you. After the song finishes she grabs your hand pulling you closer and kisses you, she didn't care like 100,000 people were watching. You pull away from the kiss and whisper in her ear reminding her she still has a show to do before walking off stage not without saying something to the audience and high-fiving some people in the front row

You headed up to the vip section and Shawn immediately ran over to you picking you up mid hug, you had been best friends for years and he was the only one in the room who knew about the surprise, Once he put you down Selena ran into your arms talking really fast so you couldn't really make out what she was saying but you knew she was happy that you were there. You looked over in the direction of Hailee's family who were patiently waiting for their hugs

Cheri: why didn't you tell us you were coming? *she asks mid hug*

Y/n: It was a surprise for you guys too, you know *you say breaking the hug to hug Hailee's dad*

Peter: We thought you were busy writing your album

Y/n: I finished

Griffin: But Hailee said-

Y/n: I may have told her I had writers block *you say while hugging him*

You break away from the hug when you realise you're missing the show so everyone sits down again to watch

~~~~Little Time Skip~~~~

After the show you all make your way from the vip section to the stage entrance but before you even stopped walking Hailee runs out towards you then jumps into your arms and kisses you, a few moments later she pulls away and wipes her eyes trying not to actually cry

Hailee: I-I- I'm still really confused, what are you doing here?

Y/n: Well, I finished my album and when Shawn told me your next stop was LA I decided to surprise you, knowing how much you love elaborated surprises I called your manager and told him my plan to sing with you on stage and he loved it

Hailee: And did they know? *gesturing to Shawn, Selena and her family*

But before you could say anything

Shawn: I did!

You just smiled at him then turned back to Hailee whose now laughing

Y/n: You we're amazing

Hailee: Me? What about you, you were amazing too

Y/n: Well obviously but it's not my night, it's yours

Hailee laughs again before you place her back on two feet and she goes to hug her family and two friends

Peter: What are you going to do now Y/n?

Y/n: I'm going on that tour bus outside

Everyone pauses and looks at you

Hailee: What?

Y/n: I need some time off, it's been a stressful few months

Hailee: So you're-

Y/n: Yup

Hailee: the whole-

Y/n: Yes

Hailee: Really I mean-

Y/n: Hailee!

You walk towards her and drape your arms over her shoulders, clasping your hands together behind her neck

Y/n: I'm going with you on this tour okay?

Hailee: Okay

She smiles before leaning in to kiss you and of course you kiss back 

Hope you guys liked the story :)
Might do a kinda Pt 2 with what tour is like with Y/n there

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