𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑅𝑜𝑙𝑒 {H.S}

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~~~Y/n's Pov~~~

I've been in Texas filming a movie for a few months now, which don't get me wrong has been amazing but Texas is a long way from New York and my Girlfriend Hailee. Hailee is currently filming the new marvel show Hawkeye so we haven't even talked that much due to us both being really busy

Yesterday was the last day of filming for the movie and everyone was going back home to their families, at first I wasn't sure whether or not to go through with my idea but when I woke up this morning I decided just to do it so now I'm on a plane to New York. The only person who knows about the surprise is Hailee's co-star and my best friend Florence Pugh, Florence has been my best friend since 2018 when we met on the set of Outlaw king since then Florence and Hailee have become close friends too after they met through me so to say they were happy to be in Hawkeye together is a big understatement

~~~Little Time Skip~~~

~~~Third Reader's Pov~~

You just touched down in New York after a 3h 20m long flight, after collecting your luggage you head outside the JFK airport feeling the brisk air sweep past your face it was a big change from Texas. Your chauffeur was waiting for your arrival and once he saw you he opened the car door for you and took your bags as you stepped inside, it took about 40 minutes to drive to The Plaza the hotel you knew Hailee was staying in so you also booked a room. After you texted Florence who almost immediately replied as they were on a break from shooting and she was super excited when you told her you were about to drive to the Hawkeye set, once you freshened up you got back into your chauffeurs car and he drove you to the set

OMG Y/N someone said in a familiar English accent as the footsteps running towards you got louder, FLORENCE you said excitedly as she jumped into your arms. Thank gosh you're here this secret has been killing me, you laugh at her response and gently nudge her shoulder, You didn't slip up and tell Hailee anything did you? you say raising one eyebrow. Of course I didn't...I'm not Tom Holland I can keep a secret, Okay okay it was just a question no need to drag Tom into this you say trying not to laugh. Hailee's trailer is over here, she says pointing

You and Florence stopped in front of Hailee's trailer and she turns to you, Wait here for my signal okay? she whispers. You nod and she opens the trailer door

Hey Hailee, Florence says trying to not smile like an idiot, Hey Flo what's up? You watch from the crack between the trailer and the door as Florence is trying really hard not to laugh and even smile. I have a surprise for you she says eagerly, come
here and close your eyes

Hailee reluctantly got up from the chair and stood in front of Florence before she closed her eyes, Florence then signalled for you to come in, you slowly walked over to Hailee and wrapped your arms around her waist. What's going on? Hailee questions, Open your eyes! Florence excitedly says. Moments later Hailee opens her eyes to see you standing in front of her smiling softly, Y/N she literally squeals in your ear Sorry, she cutely says right after realising how loud she was

It's okay I missed you too, Hailee tightly hugs you as your speaking

Hailee- oxygen please, you say attempting to breathe

Oh...sorry, she loosens her grip around your waist, you lean in to kiss her and she reciprocates, you lick her bottom lip asking for permission which she grants but the kiss is cut short when you remember Florence is still there.

Knock Knock, a familiar voice coming from the doorway says

Did you seriously just say knock knock as you knocked on the door?, Florence asks the owner of the voice as you release you hands from Hailee's waist and turn around. RENNER you say running over to him, Hey kid! When did you get here? he says as you pull away from the hug. Not long ago you say with a big smiling forming, Well it's great to see you Y/n but Hailee, Florence we're needed for the next scene. You step to the side letting Florence and Hailee past but as Hailee's walking she grabs your hand pulling you out the trailer with her and closing the door

What are you doing? you ask a bit confused, You're not just staying in the trailer dummy your coming with she says softly laughing. Once you walk into the building you take seat and Hailee realises your hand before walking over to the others, around 45 minutes later the director yells cut and tells everyone filming is done for the day. Hailee walks back over to you and straddles your lap smiling down at you, Hey you say smiling back, where are you staying? she asks. The plaza you tell her as you cup her right cheek in your hand, really?! she questions

Yes and Jack has been waiting outside since I got here, you made your chauffeur wait outside in the car all day? Hailee says sounding a bit annoyed. Hey! I told him he could go but he insisted you pout when you finish your sentence. Okay okay I'm sorry but let's not keep him waiting any longer she says as she gets off your lap before grabbing your hand and dragging you back to her trailer.

You open the trailer door and you both step inside, instantly after you close it you lightly push her up against it and kiss her on the lips before kissing down to her neck

Y/n...Y/n c'mon she says trying to resist what's happening, you pull away for a moment What? You ask confused

Not here Y/n

Why not? What's wrong with here?

She tilts her head to the side and smirks, would you rather do it here or do it in a hotel bedroom?

Your eyes widen for a moment while you think about your options before you step back allowing Hailee to collect her stuff and the two of you quickly head to the car

Let's just say...Something PG13 happened-

Kinda changed my writing style for this story - hope everyone likes it tho

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