𝗩𝗜𝗗𝗘𝗢 𝗚𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗦 {K.B} requested

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I've been out all day but Peter has been keeping me updated about what's happening at the compound for whatever reason, nothing much happened unsurprisingly except he did say Kate has been playing video games all day in her room and only came downstairs for food at lunchtime. Clint bought her a console for Christmas and she hasn't really used it until today and I'm guessing she likes it now as she's been playing all day


The heavy compound front door closed behind you as you arrived home, you locked the door and walked further into the compound, "Hey Y/n...you're home late" Peter greeted you from the living room couch, "Boring mission equals boring long-ass day" You replied sighing before flopping onto the couch across from him. "Where's Kate?" You asked him after a moment of silence, "Where do you think?" He laughs looking up from his phone, "She's still playing on that stupid console?" You ask rhetorically knowing full well where he meant. Before Peter could reply you got up and ran up the stairs towards Kate's room

You knocked on her bedroom door a few times to no avail so you just went in, you smiled at the thought of seeing your girlfriend after a very long day but you're smile faded when you seen Kate sitting at her desk in a dark room with the only light being the bright lights on the tv, "Kate" you walked closer to her and called her name but when she never replied you noticed the headset that blocked the sound of your voice. You sighed walking even closer stopping right beside her, she quickly looked at you before taking the headset off and letting it sit around her neck, "Hey baby" Kate smiled then looked back at her game, "Kate you've been playing all day...take a break" Your moment of Kate's attention was over when she never replied putting her headset back on and fully focusing back on her game. You'd had a very long day and just wanted to spend time with your girlfriend so you were in no mood to be put second right now, you took the controller out of her hands and held it behind your back, "Hey! Y/n...Give it back I'm gonna die" Kate whined taking her headset off again, "Pay attention to me" you whined back, "After the game babe" Kate tried to negotiate reaching out for the controller, "You've been playing all day Kate...attention now" Kate sighed watching her character die behind you on the screen
"Kate...dude pay attention" a voice came through the headset, you quirked an eyebrow at Kate before she put the headset back on, "yeah sorry...I uh gotta go" Kate told the guy on the other side, "when will you be back?" The guys asks and Kate glances up at you, "when my girlfriend tells me I can" With that Kate took off her headset and tossed it too the side

Kate stood up and wrapped her arms around your neck pulling you into a passionate kiss, you dropped the controller and griped her hips pulling her closer. "Now let me make it up to you, yeah?" Kate said after breaking the kiss, you nodded your head and Kate connected your lips with hers again. She tapped the back of your legs signalling you to jump so you did, wrapping your legs around her waist

She walked with you in her arms to the end of the bed without breaking the kiss and gently dropped you on the bed, "strip" you did as you were told and began getting rid of your clothes, tossing them somewhere in the room, you were supposed to be mad at Kate but you couldn't be when she was being like this. "Lay down" Kate ordered and you shuffled up the bed stopping when your back hit the backboard, Kate moved closer to you, slowly separating your legs as she moved up your body. "Are you sure you want this princess?" Kate asked before shortly connecting her lips with yours, you hummed in agreement earning a pout from your girlfriend, "words baby" Kate replied, "Yes" was all you said and all Kate needed. She connected your lips in a rough kiss earning a moan to drop from your mouth in surprise, she ran her tongue across your bottom lip asking for entrance which you quickly granted, she slid her tongue in your mouth causing you both to moan slightly as her tongue met yours

Kate pulled away with a smirk on her lips as she shuffled on the bed going lower down your body, she left little kisses down your abdomen to your right thigh, giving the same attention to the left, "can I?" Kate asks looking innocently up at you, "please Kate" and with that Kate wrapped her lips around your clit going agonisingly slow, "Kate" you whined in between soft moans, Kate immediately sped up her actions before sliding two fingers inside matching her pace. You reached out and gently grabbed Kate's hair pushing her closer to you, you dropped your head back on the pillow as Kate continued her heavenly work. You felt a knot in your stomach as Kate increased her speed on your clit, "Kate...I'm almost there" you cried out slightly lifting your head to see her before once again dropping your head onto the pillow below you, "cum for me Y/n" Kate's voice sent vibrations through your body and you came undone


Kate made her way back up your body and placed multiple soft gentle kisses before she reached your your lips giving them the same attention as she hovered over you, "I'm sorry for not paying attention to you babe" Kate apologised making you smile, "I think what we just did was apology enough" she leaned down and gave you another kiss, this time more sensual. "Now let's make you feel just as good" You smirked and flipped her over so now you were on top


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