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I've been an Avenger for a few weeks now and everyone's really nice but there's this one person, Y/n. She's so funny, has the coolest powers and not to mention she's really pretty. I'm currently sitting in the living area with Nat, Tony and Steve, "So Y/n...what's her deal?" I ask dragging out the 'So' "What do you mean?" Steve gives me a confused look making my sigh, "I believe she's asking if she's dating anyone" Tony chimes in before I can, "Oh then i don't know" Steve responds with a completely useless answer. "Why do you wanna know Kate...you like her?" Nat asks smirking at me slightly, "what? No no I'm just curious" I go all nervous, "but if I did...hypothetically, is she single?" Nat's smirk grows and she looks over at Tony who smirks too, "well then yeah she is but I wouldn't bother trying to ask her out or even flirting with her" Tony tells me making me look at him confused, "why not?" Nat sighs, "we've seen countless people try to flirt with her and it didn't go well..." Nat begins until Tony buts in "half the people who try get nervous and run away and the ones who stay straight up get told no which is worse than it sounds coming from her." I scoff at them and start laughing only to stop seconds later when I see the serious look on their faces, "oh come on...she's just a person, you know what screw hypothetically I gotta  go" I get up from the couch and walk out the room, "good luck" I hear Nat shout as I walk away

I enter the kitchen, the fourth room I've went in to find Y/n and I finally find her helping Wanda cook as Thor, Bruce and Clint sit across the room at the table playing some card game. "Hey Kate" Y/n greets me and Wanda smiles while continuing to cook, "hey Y/n...can I ask you something?" I ask her actually getting nervous now I'm here, "sure" she stops what she's doing and walks over to me, "what's up" I look slightly down at her as I'm a little taller and swallow the lump in my throat before talking, "I-I was uh-um wondering if you wanted to go out sometime maybe?" I was a stammering mess but Y/n laughed making me quirk an eyebrow, "oh sorry...I wasn't laughing at you I was laughing over how cute you are when you're nervous" and just like that I was putty in her hands

I blushed then quickly looked down at my feet hoping she didn't notice but when she put two fingers under my chin lifting my head up I knew she did, "you're cute when your blushing" she told me making me blush even more


Meanwhile Clint noticed what was happening and paused the game to talk to Wanda, "are you seeing what I'm seeing?" He asked and she slowly nodded not taking her eyes off the two, "Y/n's flirting with Kate" Thor said as quietly as he could from behind them making Clint and Wanda jump slightly, "one, never do that again and two, yeah she is" Wanda told him before watching what was happening again

"To answer your question...I'd love to go out with you" You told Kate and she smiled widely before dropping her smile slightly moments later, "but I thought you didn't go on dates with people or even flirt with them" Kate didn't realise what she had said until moments after she said it quickly covering her mouth with her hand, "aw shit" Wanda said to no one in particular after hearing what she said. "Normally I don't but you're different" You replied slowly running you're fingers up her arm, "I am?" Kate's smile fully returned, "of course princess...in fact I've had my eye on you since you got here like I said you're cute" Your words made Kate melt even more causing you to giggle a little knowing the affect you have on her, Kate looked down at her feet again trying to once again hide her blush but failing, "Don't hide your blush cutie" you lifted her head up again to almost face you keeping your fingers under her chin

You completely forgot about the other people in the room and leaned closer to her while pulling her closer too, your lips were inches apart and you could feel her breathing start to pick up, "don't be nervous" you closed the gap before she could say anything and softly kissed her and once she realised what was happening she kissed you back

"That was..." Kate began trying to find the right word, "Amazing, perfect, everything you imagined it would be?" you said making her laugh, "yes, yes and yes" Kate softly kissed your lips again before pulling away smiling slightly down at you and you stared at each other until Clint cleared his throat making you's both jump and face them

"Cheers to you little humans for admitting your true feelings" Thor said breaking the silence, "Oh shut up Thor...with my powers I'm sure I could kick your ass" you replied making everyone laugh even Bruce who was still sitting at the table

Hope everyone liked that part
If you like the Stranger Things cast then make sure to read my Stranger Things cast imagines/preferences book - first part up now :)

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