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Today was insanely long and stressful, 30 takes for a simple scene all because someone showed up drunk. I'm now walking to my favourite cafe as I desperately need a coffee

The little bell above the door rings as I walk in and I'm greeted by the owner, who is also my best friend, "Y/n hey" Sasha squeals running around the counter to hug me, luckily there weren't many customers because it was fairly late. "Someone's happy" I laugh as we pull away from the hug, "I was gonna say it's been a long day but you look like you've had a worse day" Sasha walks back behind the counter to make my usual, "gee thanks"

Sasha places my coffee down on counter I'm leaning against as the little bell rings again and a beautiful girl who I could've sworn I knew walked in, "Hi iced mocha please" The pretty girl said leaning on the counter beside me

She looked so familiar even her voice sounded familiar but my tired brain couldn't figure it out, she tilted her head slightly and smiled at me and that's when I realised I was staring at her, I nervously smiled back before she was handed her coffee, "thank you" she told Sasha before once again smiling at me with that beautiful smile

My eyes followed her out the door before Sasha's voice brought me back, "Y/n you okay?" She asked a smirk clear in her voice, "y-yeah why wouldn't I be?" She laughed shaking her head slightly, "for starters you were staring at Hailee the whole time and then you watched her leave" Sasha explained and I dropped my head in embarrassment only to lift it back up when I realised what she said

"How did you know her name?" I asked in confusion making her once again laugh, "seriously? Damn you must be tired...that was Hailee Steinfeld" she explained, my eyes widened, "I knew she was familiar" i sighed taking another sip of coffee

- -


It had been a few days since you were last at the cafe and now that you had a few days off from filming you were out doing some grocery shopping, sounds boring but you hadn't be able to go out in a while. You were looking about the fruit section when a girl caught your eye

She looking at the same section you were but she hadn't noticed you, until she looked up and seen you once again staring at her. You panicked when you seen her walking towards so you pick up a random fruit, "I don't believe we've met...I'm Hailee" the pretty brunette introduced herself making you blush from embarrassment, "and you're Y/n" Hailee spoke again making you look at her confused. "Sorry that was weird, we've only kinda met before but I remember you" she explains and finally you realise why you knew her, "this years vanity fair Oscar party now I remember" Hailee laughed at your realisation before speaking up again

"Sorry for not speaking to you the other day" she apologised as you shook your head slightly, "no no don't apologise...I'm sorry for staring at you the whole time"

"No It's fine, I thought it was cute" Hailee says with a big smile across her face

"Y-you did?" Blush creeps onto your cheeks again 'And here we go with the nervousness again' you thought to your self before Hailee brought you out of your thoughts, "your know, you're cute when your nervous" You're probably as red as a tomato right now but Hailee was having a great time

She steps closer to you, brushing her fingertips up and down your arm slowly, "Are you busy tonight?" Hailee speaks up and you swallow the lump in your throat scared more stuttering will come out, "no no...totally free" you replied making it through the sentence without sounding to nervous, "good, dm me your address and I'll pick you up" Hailee stepped backwards a bit waiting for your response but you just nodded

"I'll let you get back to buying that..." she begins looking down at the fruit you were still holding, "...pineapple?" She continues, you look up from your hand and see the smirk on her face before she turns around and walks away leaving you standing alone with a random pineapple

- -

Those who know about pineapple know why she's smirking

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