𝑀𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝐺𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑠 {H.S}

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Play the song whenever cuz who doesn't love Most Girls?!

~~~Hailee's Pov~~~

"And one, two, three...wait no shit-what was it?" I turn around and ask Taylor the head dance instructor, she laughs and repeats the steps for me. We're currently rehearsing for the dancing with the stars performance, i'm not on the show competing I'm performing at a break during the finale. Rehearsals have been really hard, not because of the complex steps but because I can't concentrate when the most beautiful girl I've ever seen is effortlessly dancing behind me

"Alright everyone take a 5 minute break" Taylor announced to the group and everyone dispersed, i headed over to my water bottle but I couldn't help but watch that girl walk away. I was talking to Lauren one of my dancers but honestly I wasn't really listening because I couldn't take my eyes off the girl who was talking to two other dancers on the other side of the room. "Sorry Lauren...can I just steal Hailee for a minute?" My manager asks while walking over to us, Lauren nods her head and walks away. "What's up?" I question a bit confused "Are you okay?" You've been staring at that dancer all day" he replies with a big smile on his face, "What are you talking about...n-no I haven't" "great good going Hailee, now he knows your lying" i think to myself while mentally slapping myself in the face. "Hailee c'mon I know when your lying" he says which makes me sigh in defeat, "okay fine...maybe I have been staring at her all day but I can't help it, it doesn't even matter anyway it's not like she has noticed" I reply a little upset as I kinda wanted her to notice

"Everyone back over, breaks done!" Taylor shouts and everyone walks back over into position, we go over the dance a few more times until Taylor announces that rehearsals is done for the day, "Okay everyone back here tomorrow 8.30AM" everyone starts packing their stuff to go home. "Hey" an unfamiliar voice says while I'm putting on my jacket "H-Hi" I stutter as I turn around to see who is talking to me, I can't help but stare at the girl whose standing in front of my smiling, it's as if my eyes have a mind of their own as I can't seem to adjust my eyes back up to her face. "You okay there? You're staring" the girl softly laughs "Oh y-yeah sorry, I'm good" she laughs again as I once again stutter my words "I'm Y/n" she says while reaching her hand out for me to shake and I do "Nice to meet you" I smile at her and she smiles back "You know you're a very good dancer" she compliments and I turn away slightly so she doesn't see me blushing "C'mon don't turn away...it's cute, you're cute" I slowly turn my head back to face her "what did you just say?" I ask nervously trying to figure out if I heard her right "You don't seriously think I didn't catch you staring at me all day do you?" Her smile turns into more of a smirk as she says this "I uh...I'm sorry about that" she softly laughs again as she places her hand above my elbow "don't be, like I said your cute"

After hearing her say that I no longer cared where we were or who was still in the room, I felt this confidence that I definitely didn't have earlier wash over me. I leaned in closer to her and connected our lips, she was shocked at the sudden act but soon she kissed me back, I tried to hold back my smile but I couldn't. A moment later I pulled away and looked directly into her eyes, she looked back at me in shock but quickly the shocked look turned into a smile

"Stay here" I told her before walking over to a table at the front of the room by the door and picking up a small piece of paper and a pen then walking back over to her. I started writing down my number on the paper once I was standing in front of her again, "Here you go" I say as I hand the paper to her, she takes the paper from my hand and folds it before putting it in her pocket. I pick up my bag and water and walk even closer to her "You better use it" I smirk then walk away, "I-I will" I hear her say as I'm leaving the studio., now she's the flustered one

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