𝐶𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑔𝑒 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑦 {H.S} Requested

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Requested Story <3 LyraAlexander

~~~Y/n Pov~~~

Me and my friends had just arrived at a frat house for some guys party, I'm not the biggest party person but my friends definitely are so I decided to tag along. My girlfriend Hailee was a little sceptical about me going tonight but I reassured her everything was going to be alright.

The smell of alcohol hit me like a bus when we walked into the house and I could barely see anything "people actually enjoy parties like this" i thought to myself, I turned around to see my two friends already dancing with some guys so I decided to let them have their fun and go over to the small bar the owners of the house set up. "Hi" a deep voice said, I looked up from the table and turned my head to the person "Hey" I nervously said, "I'm Jordan and you are?" He was looking directly into my eyes as he spoke, "I'm Y/n" I reply while trying not to make eye contact with him. "That's a very pretty name, pretty name for a pretty girl" he quickly says leaning closer to me, "Thank you"

"What are you drinking?" He says while gesturing at the drink in my hand, "Long island ice tea" I say ready to take another sip. "Ever tried a White Russian?" He asks with a smirk on his face, "Can't say I have" I look up at him and the smirk disappears "Try this" he slides his drink across the table towards me, "I'm fine with what I have" I spin my legs around on the chair ready to get up but he stops me, "C'mon Y/n it's a party loosen up" he's now standing in front of me stopping me from standing up, "Move" I say making direct eye contact with him

He quickly moves out of my way allowing me to stand up "You're such a p*ssy" he shouts as I start to walk away, "And you're such an asshole" I sigh and walk back over to the bar reaching my hand out for him to pass me the drink which he does and I take a small sip of the drink, I look up at him and he furrows his eyebrows "Come on Y/n" I take another drink of it then put the glass down on the bar "Happy now?" I ask raising one eyebrow, "Very" he smiles then walks away over to a group of guys standing a corner

~~~Time Skip~~~

Since that Jordan guy left I've just been sitting at the bar glancing every now and then at my friends who have been dancing for almost 3 hours, I haven't drank that much tonight so I was confused when started I started to feel dizzy and my vision started going a bit blurry, I left the bar and made my way over to where my friends were. "I-I think we shhhhould go now" I tell my friend Sophia, "Woah Y/n are you drunk? She starts laughing and taps our friend Hannah on the shoulder, "Whatttt noooo I'm not as think as you drunk I am" They both say nothing and just start laughing at your response "Seriously, seriously, seriously woah that word sounds weird...we should go home" before they can even say anything I start laughing, "We can't go now, we've never met drunk Y/n before" Sophia says placing her hands on my shoulders to stabilise me. "And you never will... I-I'm not drunk, you're just blurry" Hannah opens her mouth to speak but before she can a familiar deep voice is heard from behind me Heyyy Y/n" you turn to see Jordan now standing beside you "JORDAN HEY" you hug him excitedly "How are you feeling?" He asks with that same smirk on his face like before. "I'm feeeling great" he laughs at your reply "fantastic"

"Y/n, how do you know him?" Hannah asks turning you around to face her and Sophia, "He was ever so kind to offer me a drink" a big smiling forming on your face as you say this, "Jordan what did you do? Sophia asks him sounding really angry. "What do you mean? I just gave her one drink Sophia, that same smirk still on his face, "Jordan! What did you give her?" Hannah joins Sophia interrogating him, "Just a little something" Sophia is quick to realise what he means and kicks him where the sun doesn't shine, "You fucking sicko... go now" he quickly gets up off the floor and limps back to his friends in the corner. "Come on Y/n let's get you over to a couch" Sophia says as she motions to Hannah to help her walk you over to a couch, Once they sit you down Sophia turns to Hannah "We should probably call Hailee" she whispers to Hannah, "On it" Sophia turns back around and sits beside you while Hannah calls Hailee, "okay Y/n Hannah is calling Hailee, she'll come and take you home" You rest your head on Sophia's shoulder "Noooo not Hailee, don't call Hailee please" you whine and Sophia lifts your head up off her shoulder to face her "what? Why can't we call Hailee?" "She doesn't love me, I know it looks like she does but she doesn't... it's all one big LIE" you drop your head back on her shoulder and sigh.

"Hi Hailee, It's Y/n's friend Hannah... there has been a incident"
"What kind of incident?"
"Some guy called Jordan offered Y/n a drink which she took but she didn't know he put something in it"
"Is she okay?"
"That's not the word I would use but she's not hurt or in any pain, she's acting drunk tho"
"I'm on my way, send me the location"

Hannah hangs up the phone and sends the location of the house to Hailee before walking back over to you and Sophia. "Hailee is on her way" Hannah says while sitting down on the other side of you "Thank goodness" Sophia replies

Around ten minutes later Hailee arrives at the party, "Hailee over here" Sophia shouts over all the noise. "Oh thank gosh you're okay" Hailee says pulling you into a hug but you quickly pull back, "Sorry lady I'm taken so back off" you turn back around to Sophia and Hannah who are now laughing "what?" you ask innocently, "Y/n that's Hailee" Hannah says in between laughs. You turn back around to face Hailee "No it's not, you can't trick me Hannah" you try walk away but Hailee gently grabs your arm "Dude I just told you I'm taken" "Y/n, it's me Hailee" she softly smiles at you, "I don't care who you are I'm happily taken and I don't think my girlfriend would be happy knowing your flirting with me" you raise one eyebrow at her

"Oh no, not again" Sophia sighs gesturing to the person walking towards them. "Look before you kick me again I just want to apologise", Jordan says with his hands up. "Oh so you're the asshole who did this to my girlfriend" Hailee snaps at him, "Yes but I wanted to apologise-" before he could finish his sentence Hailee kicks him where the sun doesn't shine and for the second time tonight Jordan is lying on the sticky frat house floor in pain "Damn not again" "Maybe don't drug people who you barely know and maybe just maybe you won't end up on the floor in pain" Hailee fires back at him. "HAILEE, WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?" You look up from Jordan whose still lying on the ground and tightly hug Hailee, "Y-Y/n air please" you loosen your grip around her waist "sorry" you smile at her. "You ready to go now?" Hailee says moving her hand from around your waist to hold your hand, "Yes, this place is a dump anyway" you let out a small laugh

Hailee guides you outside to her car, Sophia and Hannah follow behind you both. "Thank you both for taking care of her" Hailee hugs them both, "Not a problem" Sophia says as Hailee pulls away from the hug, "I think it's better if you stay at mine tonight" Hailee says turning her attention to back you. Hannah and Sophia wave as you're driving away but for whatever reason you roll down the window and and wave franticly at them "Bye Bye Bitches" you shout and they start laughing, Hailee hits your shoulder "Y/N!"

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