𝐵𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 {H.S}

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You're just sitting in the living room scrolling through Instagram beside your girlfriend Hailee, you were supposed to be watching Wandavision but after the 10th time of watching it you got bored not because it wasn't good but because lately everything you did was boring, there was nothing fun to do in the apartment anymore.

Babe? Y/n?...Y/n hello Hailee says waving her hand in front of you trying to get your attention, Hmm you say to her without lifting your head. Y/n seriously we're watching Wandavision she whines, sorry Hailee I just can't anymore you say lifting your head to face her

What do you mean? she says while looking into your Y/e/c eyes, Sorry Haiz it's just everything we do lately is boring this lockdown sucks

She puts her hand under your chin lifting your head up a bit before leaning in to kiss you, bored of that too? She questions. Never you mutter before continuing the kiss, she licks your bottom lip asking for permission which you grant to deepen the kiss

She climbs onto your lap straddling your hips as the kiss continues, she starts to move her body on top of yours making you moan into the kiss, suddenly you flip her over so her back is against the couch and you're on top so you start to move your body on top of hers just like she did before causing her to moan into the kiss

You start to kiss along her jaw to her neck, kissing a certain part over and over again biting ever so slightly making her whimper a bit before you continue down. You tug on her hoodie which she quickly takes off along with her t-shirt even though you hadn't said it yet she knew you were about to ask, you continued kissing the bottom of her neck before stopping and leaning back to look into her eyes, Why did you stop? she asks a bit confused, I'm bored! You drag out the last letter. I'm sorry what? You're bored? she asks changing her tone from confused to annoyed, I'm sorry Hailee I don't what's wrong with me I just...everything is boring it doesn't matter how much I love it because trust me I love this but- she cuts you off by putting her finger over your mouth, it's okay I understand but I think I know something that you definitely won't get bored of she smirks. Just dance? you ask excitedly, No c'mon let's go upstairs

You get off her and she takes your hand leading you upstairs, once you enter the room she pushes you up against the door and starts kissing your neck before pulling away to guide you over to the bed, she softly pushes you down before continuing kissing your neck, slowly moving one hand down your body to your...

You make up the rest in your head, I think you know where it was heading

I'm not uncomfortable writing smuts I just don't think I could write a good one so I'll leave it to other people but I hope you guys liked this anyway <3

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