𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐵𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑒 {C.W}

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Part 2 of 'Bonding' I know this is a one-shot book but I wanted to create a pt.2 of it <3

~~~Y/n's Pov~~~

Once I had finished getting ready for my date with Charlie I checked the clock on my bedroom wall before sighing as it was only 6.30pm and our date wasn't till 7, "surely she wouldn't mind if I was a little early" I thought to myself. I grabbed my jacket that was draped over a chair and headed towards the front door "Bye Mom, I'm going over to Charlie's!" I shout across the house "What have I told you about shouting across the house!" She shouts back "Sorry...love you!" I reply confused as she literally shouted to give me in trouble for shouting "Love you too...have fun!" She shouts back and with that I exit the front door and walk across the street to Charlie's

When I reached her house I knocked on the front door, "Hi Y/n" Charlie's mom said once she opened the door "Hey Ms Watson" I smiled at her and she smiled back "Come in, Charlie's in the garage like always" she gestures for me to come inside. As I step inside the house I look around admiring how nice their house was as I'd only ever seen the outside and the garage before, "This house is lovely" I turn to her as she closes the door "Thank you" she smiles "This way?" I ask gesturing towards what I thought was the garage door and Ms Watson nods her head, i twist the door handle and push the door open before freezing in the doorway as I watch what I think is a robot in the middle of the room run and crouch in the corner of the room "Y/n Door!" Charlie slightly yells gesturing for me to shut the door, after the close the door Charlie goes over to the robot to make sure it's okay "It's okay Bee she won't hurt you" Charlie guides the robot over to where I'm standing, "Y/n this is gonna sound crazy I know but this is Bee well I don't actually know his real name but i call him Bee and he seems to like it so..." she trails off at the end and I just stand in front of her probably looking very shocked "So he's a robot?" I question looking up at the giant robot thing "I don't know exactly what he is but he can do this" she says tapping the side of the robot once she finishes talking and what was once a giant robot turns into a yellow beetle "He turns into a car?" I ask still confused "Yup he does..." there is a long pause before Charlie starts talking again "...anyways you wanna go on that date now?" Charlie asks smiling at me, I smile back remembering why I was here in the first place "Yes! Yeah...okay", I slightly over my words and Charlie laughs "Don't go all nervous on me now Y/l/n, stay here I'll be right back" Charlie darts past me and out the garage door into her house

"So...Bee that's a cool name, i guess your called that because your yellow huh?" "and I'm talking to a car omg I'm crazy" I say instantly realising what I was doing then I turn away from the car, "You know I'm not crazy, You know I'm not crazy" The culture club song starts playing and I turn back around to face Bee "Did you just...respond to me with a song?" I question "Yes he did...it's how he communicates" I slightly jump as I hear Charlie's voice coming from the doorway "sorry didn't mean to scare you" she says walking over to me, "It's okay...you ready?" I ask looking down at her shoes before moving my eyes up to her face again "Of course" Charlie brushes her hand down my arm as she walks around the car to the drivers seat, I then make my way to the passenger side and get in

"So where are we going?" I ask Charlie as we start driving down the street, "Nowhere in particular" she replies smiling. We get up into the hills about 10 minutes later and bumblebee turns on the radio, "Watch this" Charlie says letting go of the wheel "Charlie! geez what are you doing?" I shout a little louder than I intended "It's okay...I know what I'm doing" Charlie replies as she stands up sticking her head out the top of the car "Come on Y/n" she taps my shoulder and I stand up to join her "You're crazy!" I shout over the noise of the car and the wind, "Absolutely!" She replies turning to face me "You look really pretty...not that you don't always look really pretty but y-you know..." she starts to ramble so I cut her off, connecting our lips in a soft kiss. I pull away a few seconds later and smile at her "Wow..." Charlie pauses "We should properly sit back down now" she finishes her sentence then we both sit back down. We drive around the hills for a little longer just talking about anything that we think of "Do you think it's called sand because it's in between sea and land?" I say not expecting an answer, "if you get scared half to death twice, do you die?" Charlie asks another random question, then eventually bumblebee drives us back to Charlie's house

"That was fun, thank you" I say as the car comes to a stop in the garage, "Yeah it was...do you uh maybe wanna stay over?" Charlie asks sounding a little nervous "If it's okay with your mom" I say getting out of the car "it will be, I'm sure" Charlie says getting out the car too, "I'm in then" we walk into the house and towards Charlie's room, "Here" she says throwing a band shirt and a pair of shorts at me "you can change here and I'll turn around"  she smiles at me, "I mean you don't have to" I smirk back at her and begin to change. After I'm done Charlie changes too "want me to turn around?" I ask as she takes her jacket off, "no it's okay" she replies and begins to change

I lay down on her bed and she lies down too, I wrap one arm around her waist "is this okay?" I ask her but she doesn't reply she just nods her head, "Goodnight Charlie" I say knowing she's already drifting off to sleep

This is the last part of that story <3 hope u liked it

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