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-Avengers Compound-

I was sitting in the living room with Steve and Bucky just talking about yesterday's mission when I felt two arms drape over my shoulders and rest above my chest, I was startled at first but quickly relaxed when I realised it was my girlfriend Kate and I leaned further into her arms. She leaned down kissed my cheek, "wanna help me train?" Kate asked and i nodded my head, "Soft" Steve butted in the conversation and i glared at him, "no he's right...you're soft now" Bucky said causing Kate to laugh as i got up from the couch, "shut up Barnes" i replied walking over to him extending my arm pretending i was gonna punch him making him jump back, "exactly" i laughed and walked out with Kate

Me and Kate enter the training room, she wanted me to spar with her and of course I agreed as it meant i didn't have to do much, we went a couple rounds until Kate signalled she'd had enough and fell onto the mat, her chest going up and down quickly from exhaustion. I lay down on the mat beside her and stared at the ceiling as she caught her breath, "I'm never sparing with you again" Kate laughed as she propped herself up on one arm staring down at me, "and why's that?" I asked teasingly still lying on the mat, "you barely did anything but won every time and now I'm exhausted and you're fine" Kate complained causing me to laugh, "aw babe that's what happens when you train with Nat and Yelena" Kate huffs and leans down to kiss me but I roll away before she can, "babe what was that for?" She whines and flops back down onto the mat. "What's the problem Kit-Kat?" I tease and sit up beside her, "let me kiss you" she pouts sitting up, "come here then" i pat my lap and Kate scoots over and straddles my lap before connecting our lips in a soft loving kiss, "better?" I ask after we pull away and she nods her head

We sit in that position for a little longer until Wanda walks in, "Oh sorry I-I uh-" Wanda stutters a little and turns to walk out, "Wait Wanda...nothings happening we're just sitting" I tell her before she can walk out, "you sure?" She quirks an eyebrow while walking over to us, "yeah, we were training but someone got tired" Kate told her tilting her head towards me, I gently hit her upper arm "and that someone was you" I say making Wanda laugh

"I'm gonna go get a snack, want something baby?" Kate asks standing up, "no thanks Kit-Kat" she smiles and walks out the gym, "no thanks Kit-Kat?" Wanda quotes me "what?" I ask confused standing up, "you've gone soft L/n...you love her" I couldn't help but smile when she said 'you love her' "see you're smiling at the thought of her" Wanda continues and I roll my eyes jokingly, "you're the third person today to say I've gone soft but you know what you're right...I love her, I love Kate Bishop" I turn my head to the door once I finish speaking and see Kate smiling softly. "You heard that didn't you?" I drop to the floor in embarrassment and put my head on my knees, I heard footsteps walking over to me then two hands gently push my shoulders back up and I was met with Kate smiling again, "I love you too Y/n" Kate kissed my lips quickly "and you're cute when your embarrassed" she teases making me groan and fall back on the mat, "aw come on babe" Kate leans down and starts kissing over my face making me laugh, "okay okay...we still have company Kate" Kate quickly leans back up and we both turn to Wanda, "you guys are adorable" Wanda teases, "Shut up Maximoff" I roll my eyes jokingly and she laughs

Despite everyone just teasing you all day about being soft, it was true, you were in love with Kate and you were definitely softer than before but how could you not be when you got to call the most amazing person in the world yours


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