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"Em hurry up, we gotta go" you call out to your girlfriend whose still in the bathroom changing, "Okay okay I'm ready" Emily replies as she walks out the bathroom, you can't help but stare as she walks closer to you "Babe...you're staring" she says while wrapping her arms around your waist, "well sorry...you just look so beautiful" you wrap your arms gently around her neck pulling her into a soft kiss, you break the kiss slightly and begin to kiss down to her jaw. Emily lets out a small gasp which entices you to continue down to her neck softly kissing over one part before pulling away causing Emily to sigh "Sorry but we really gotta go" you say as you unwrap your arms from around her, trailing one hand down her arm intertwining your fingers

You open the restaurant door for Emily and follow behind her as she heads over to the table where the Bellas are sitting, "Finally...we've been waiting for you two" Beca says getting up hugging Emily, "Sorry someone took a long time to get changed" Emily replies gesturing towards you "and that someone was you...you're not blaming me" you laugh and so do the other Bellas. After you and Emily sit down everyone orders their food and you catch up with everyone

~~~Emily's Pov~~~

We've been here for an hour and I've been trying to make conversation but I can't stop thinking about the little move Y/n made before we left, I mean how could she do that? She knew what she was doing, now I'm just stuck here thinking non stop about it. After what felt like an eternity our food arrived so everybody stopped talking and starting eating their meal. The waiter comes back over 20 minutes later and takes away our finished plates, "I heard this place has great chocolate cake!" Aubrey says to the group, "I'm definitely up for some dessert!" Chloe chimes in. "I know what I want for dessert" I mumble really quietly under my breath but somehow Y/n heard me, "What was that Emily?" She looks directly at me, shit shit shit...oh wait now is your shot, I think to myself "I said I don't feel very good" I avoid eye contact with her "What's wrong baby?" Y/n softly asks, she really isn't helping this feeling using pet names right now. "I don't know...I just don't feel very good, I didn't want to say anything" I say still avoiding eye contact, Y/n puts her hand under my chin and gently turns my head round to face her "You wanna go home?" She innocently smiles. I nod my head then look up at the rest of the group "aw that's a shame, hope you feel better Em" Beca says as she nudges Chloe to stand up, we say our goodbyes to the group and head out to Y/n's car

It was was a short car ride back to our shared apartment and once Y/n locked the door, I quickly push her up against the front door "I thought you are sick" she says in-between each kiss "I lied" I mumble against her lips. She gently pushes me off her "you lied?" She raises one eyebrow at me Uh oh, I think to myself instantly regretting this plan, she's scary when she looks at me like that then she folds her arms and lightly taps her fingers against her arm waiting for my response. "What you did was unfair...you knew what you were doing kissing me like that before dinner, I wasn't gonna let you get away with that" out of nowhere this wave of confidence washes over me, Y/n looks directly at me but doesn't say anything, her annoyed expression fades and I can see a smirk forming "wow, I wasn't expecting that" she pushes herself from against the door and walks towards me, extending her hand for me to take which I do and she leads me towards our bedroom

As I close the door, I almost instantly get pushed up against the door "It was cute your little stunt out there..." Y/n says between each kiss "...but I started this" she continues "please shut up" I reply just wanting her to kiss me but I still don't want to be rude

I push myself and her away from the door and gently push her onto the bed before leaning down and kissing her jaw continuing down to her neck causing her to let out a soft moan, fuckk this is gonna be fun, i think to myself before continuing to kiss repeatedly over her soft spot

Imagine the rest guys - I'm horrible at smut so I don't write it but I hope you all enjoy this story <3

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