𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑜-𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠? {H.S}

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It was the first day of press for your new movie and you were backstage at the Jimmy Fallon show talking to a crew member until it was time for you to go on, you could hear footsteps coming towards you but you brushed it off as a member of crew and continued your conversation until the footsteps stopped and someone's hand landed on your shoulder, you turned around to see your co-star/ friend Hailee smiling at you but before you could say anything another crew member told you both you were going on

Jimmy: Please welcome Hailee Steinfeld and Y/n Y/l/n

You and Hailee walked on stage and waved as the audience cheered, you both sat down across from Jimmy and waited for the audience to calm down. A few seconds later they did and Jimmy started the interview

Jimmy: It is great to have you both on the show again

Hailee: It's great to be back *she laughs*

Jimmy: So you guys have a new movie coming out February 6th and we're going to talk about that but first, there have been some rumours about the two of you going around since the filming of this movie started-

Y/n: What rumours? *You look at Hailee who shrugs and you nervously laugh*

Jimmy: There have been multiple pictures and videos released of the two of you on set and fans suspect there is something going on between the two of you

Hailee: Wow, I mean we've become great friends since the beginning of filming I don't think those pictures show anything but good friendship

Jimmy: Y/n?

Y/n: Just what Hailee said, we're great friends

Jimmy: Alright then, we don't believe you but alright

You and Hailee continue the interview, doing some of the challenges that Jimmy often does on his show and just having fun

That night you and Hailee were texting about what happened earlier on the show and about the rumours laughing saying how ridiculous it was before deciding to both go to sleep since it was late and you both had more press to do tomorrow

Early the next morning, You and Hailee flew out to LA from NYC for your interview with James Corden and her interview on the Ellen show. You were staying in the same hotel so you guys just talked until you had to part ways.

Ellen: Please welcome my next guest... Hailee Steinfeld!

Hailee walked out onto the stage and greeted the audience before sitting down

Ellen: So today I thought we'd play a game called burning questions, are you up for that?

Hailee: Yes definitely

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Ellen: I'm gonna ask you a question and once you answer press this red button, you ready?

Hailee: Yes

Ellen: What was the craziest thing you did In Highschool?

Hailee: I was homeschooled during Highschool so nothing *Presses the button*

Ellen: Oh well that's boring, next question

Hailee just laughs at Ellen's reply

Ellen: Who is your celebrity crush?

Hailee: Y/n Y/l/n

Without even realising what she has said Hailee presses the button then a few moments later puts her hand over her mouth

Ellen: Really? Is there something your not telling everyone?

Hailee: Nope, next question *she says nervously trying to quickly change the subject*

Ellen: Okay, keeping on the topic of crushes, who are you dating?

Hailee hesitates thinking about what you'd say if she said what she wanted to say

Hailee: Y/n *presses the button*

The audience cheered as Hailee sat there in silence, before facing Ellen to see her in shock at what she just said


James: Y/n welcome to the show

Y/n: I'm a big fan of your show so thank you

James: I wanted to start off by saying the trailer for the new movie is fantastic

The audience cheer as he says this and you can't help but smile

Y/n: Thank you, everyone who worked on this movie is very excited for everyone to see it

James: I also wanted to mention that you flew from NYC to here this morning because you were on the Jimmy Fallon show last night, has this press tour been tiring?

Y/n: A bit yeah, I enjoy travelling and doing press but the jag lag is not fun at all

James: You're on this press tour with Hailee Steinfeld, how has that been?

Y/n: It's been great, Hailee is an amazing person and one of my best friends

James: Just one of your best friends?

Y/n: *You laugh as the audience gasps at what he said* Well I mean...you know...you spend so much time with one person sometimes your relationship can... you know-

James: Is that confirmation that the two of you are dating?

You take a deep breath

Y/n: You could say that yes

The whole audience cheers and you just sit smiling at James who is laughing

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Later that night back at the hotel, you and Hailee were sitting on the bed in your room just staring at the ceiling

Hailee: Did you see the show?

Y/n: Yeah, did you?

Hailee: Yup

You turn on your side to face her and she does the same

Hailee: You're not mad are you?

Y/n: Of course I'm not mad

You kiss her for a moment before getting up to get ready for bed

Hailee: You know I was thinking I could just stay here, if that's okay?

You stand in the doorway of the bathroom mid brushing your teeth and smile

Y/n: Of course it is

She smiles back at you then grabs her phone waiting for you to finish

Request/ idea by kylorens_abs

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