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In celebration of 'The Avengers' turning 10 today I thought I'd write something with them in it but adding Kate and Y/n of course

Just so everyone knows I'm writing this to cope with the fact it has been 10 YEARS...IM NOT OKAY RN

It was 6.30AM and your alarm went off, "Ms Stark it's time to wake up" Jarvis spoke after you hit the alarm making the noise stop, you groaned and turned over on your bed "Ms Stark your father wants you downstairs" Jarvis spoke again and you sighed before rolling off the bed completely, "How many times do I have to say Jarvis, call me Y/n...not that formal bullshit" you got up off the floor and quickly made your bed before putting on some fresh clothes and leaving your room

"What's so important that you had to wake me up at 6.30 and by the way, changing the time on my alarm dad not cool...it was fine set to ring at 9.30" you say walking into the kitchen unaware of the other Avengers presence, "oh hey guys" you greet everyone that's gathered around the table, "I have something to tell you Y/n..." Tony starts but you interrupt "that couldn't wait 3 more hours?" You say cheekily while making your breakfast, "...if you must know I was too excited to wait, my friend has a son and we think he's perfect for you, Tony tells you and you pause at the kitchen island before your eyes go straight to Kate whose sitting next to Wanda at the table, Kate makes eye contact with you with a worried look on her face before breaking it when Wanda lightly taps her shoulder, "you okay?" Wanda whispers to Kate, "y-yeah" Kate whispers back then directs her attention like everyone else back to you

"Uh dad I don't really want to date one of your friend's son" you finally say looking directly at him, "why not? He's perfect for you trust me" Tony tries to convince you, "Dad I've never even met him..." you begin before Tony cuts you off "oh sure you have, at one of my Christmas parties a few years ago" You glance at Kate again before continuing, "a few years ago? No dad I'm not dating some guy I may have met at some Christmas party" you shut down his idea or at least thought you did, "come on Y/n...you're single, one date if you don't like him that's fine" Tony continues sounding a bit desperate, "I already know I don't like him dad" you sigh just wanting this to be over. "How do you know?" Tony asks getting more frustrated, "uh do you want us to go?" Steve asks and before your dad can say anything you chime in "NO...I want you all here" you say gaining everyone's attention again "for what?" Tony asks, "the reason I don't want to date your friend's son is because I'm already with someone" you confess to everyone, "PETER" Tony exclaims turning to face Peter who throws his hands up in defence, "No dad...not Peter" you say slightly laughing, "Oh no...is it Steve?...Thor?...Bucky?" Tony starts guessing, "dad stop guessing" you say walking around the island towards the kitchen table specifically where Kate is

You stop behind Kate and place your hands on her shoulders slowly moving them down to the top of her chest, "Kate?" Your dad asks and you smile, "yup Kate" you confess and everyone's eyes widen and look at Kate, "yup me" Kate says smiling while she moves her hand up to hold yours, "Why didn't you tell me?" Wanda exclaims gently hitting your arm causing you to laugh. "Dad?" You ask remembering you just dropped this bombshell on him, "Better Kate then Peter..." he began making everyone laugh even Peter, "...sorry kid, as long as you're happy Y/n, plus she seems even more perfect for you than that boy ever could be" (hope that made sense lol) Tony continues before getting up from his chair and walking over to you, "few that could've been so bad" you say laughing as Tony pulls you into a hug

"But if you hurt her Kate I swear to-" Tony begins after you pull away from the hug "DAD" you say stopping him from finishing his sentence, "I know Tony...I won't ever hurt her, I promise" Kate says reassuring him. "Mr Stark, Fury has called an emergency meeting" Jarvis spoke gaining everyone's attention, everyone then proceeded to get up and head to the meeting room

"Hey" you said catching up to Kate, "that went well" you smiled at her. She quickly connected her lips with yours, weirdly replying to you in a way no words could've. "We gotta go" Kate says after pulling away leaving you a little stunned by her sudden action and disappointed it was over so soon, she took your hand in hers and headed to the meeting room, "That kiss was way too short Bishop" you whined while walking "sit through the meeting then we can go upstairs okay?" Kate whispered to you before walking into the meeting room. Your breath hitched hearing her words but you pulled yourself together and took a seat next to Wanda

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Hope everyone liked that
Sorry I've not posted recently like I said I would I've been busy
Happy 10 Years of 'The Avengers'

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