𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧 - K.B

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-Your pov-

I never had high expectations for my freshman year of college. I was perfectly happy at home, with a minimum wage job that for whatever reason didn't suck but my dad thought college would 'benefit me in many ways' or something like that. Although I was quickly proven wrong and I was actually starting to think it wasn't such a bad idea that I came here after all, I would never tell my dad that though.


"Okay guys, turn your books to page...276 please" Professor Clarke tells the class with his eyes stuck on the board, My major is English Lit but I've taken a Psych class as well for a reason I can't remember anymore as this class is the most boring thing I've ever done like ever.

"L/n, next page" My friend Nate whispers while lightly tapping his pen on my book, I mouth a thanks once I come out of my daze, re-focusing on the class.

"You coming to study group later, Y/n?" my friend Sydney asks as we're walking out of class, "Shit, sorry guys I meant to mention earlier, I have some English stuff to do" I give an apologetic smile when I seen their faces turn sad, "I'll be there next week, I promise" I reassure them, lightly patting their shoulders as I walk away.

Now, earlier when I said that I didn't think it was such a bad idea going to college, I wasn't exactly talking about college it's-self.


"I have your major written down here as English Lit, you wanna go ahead and declare that?" Professor Henderson asked looking up at me from her desk, "Mhmm yeah" I nodded my head and she went back to writing on the piece of paper.

Her office door clicked open and in walked a beautiful women, her black hair cascaded over her shoulders and to be honest pant suits are always attractive but on her they're even more attractive (if that's even possible.)

"I have the freshly printed Psych 109 papers, should I just leave them with you?" The beautiful women asked Professor Henderson. "Yes, thank you" She motioned towards her desk, indicating to the women to put the papers down there, which she did.

I couldn't take my eyes off her, watching every small movement she made. Her gaze soon moved across to me, there was something about the way she looked at me but I wasn't entirely sure what it was, I felt a mix of intimidation and lust as we held eye contact. What felt like multiple minutes was actually mere seconds and over before I actually had the chance to blink once.


I'm waiting to enter my psych class, I wanted to make sure I wasn't late so I arrived a little early. Out the corner of my eye I could see someone holding a lot of books and papers, struggling to open what I'm assuming is the door to an office. I turn to them and see that it's that women from my first day at the school, I quickly go to help her as multiple students keep rushing past her.

"Here, let me help you" I take a couple books off the top of the stack, allowing her to open her door more easily. "Thank you, students here clearly need to learn some manners" She laughs a little as she places the books onto a side table, "I can tell" I reply, amusement clear in my voice.

I scan the objects on a large cabinet at the back of her room, some of which I have never seen before. "Is this an oxygen tank...or?" I ask quietly not taking my eyes off it, "What?, oh no that's-that's a biofeedback machine" She replies turning her attention to me, "What's it do?" I run my finger along it as I wait for her answer, "It measures physical changes in the body like your heart rate" She explains, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor closer to me.

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