𝗬/𝗡 𝗛𝗨𝗡𝗧 {H.S} pt.2

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"What's wrong?" Ella asks speed walking over to you, Hailee and Anna, "THEY WERE KISSING" Anna shouts turning to face Ella, "okay I think someone is a tad drunk...why don't you go talk to Jane?" Ella replies pointing to Jane on the other side of the room, Anna nods and walks away, glancing back over at you and Hailee as she walks

"So...what's going on with you two?" Ella asks dragging out the 'o' at the beginning, "Nothing much" you say trying to move the conversation on "oh yeah?...so you're just casually on top of Hailee then?" Ella asks folding her arms, you look down at Hailee and right enough you are still on top of her, "I'm not even gonna try and convince you it's not what it looks like cuz it clearly is" you awkwardly laugh "does this mean you two are a thing now? Did my plan to get you two together work?" Ella asks brightly smiling, you look down at Hailee then back up at Ella "We don't want to answer that right now" Hailee answers nodding her head when you look back down at her, "Okay okay...Y/n we should get going it's getting late" Ella points to the clock on the wall, "2.30? We've been here that long? Wow" You reply after glancing up at the clock, "you probably didn't notice cause you spent most of it making out with Hailee" Ella laughs. "Oh shut up, if you wanna leave so bad let's go" you reply playfully rolling your eyes at your sister, you get off of Hailee and walk towards Ella

"We should go out for lunch tomorrow" Ella suggests looking between you and Hailee, "Well I'm free if you are" Hailee says looking at you "yeah I think I am" you reply, "great! I know a great little restaurant...I'll text you the address" Ella says walking up to Hailee for a goodbye hug, after they pull away you give Hailee a hug too, "oh please, I think you guys are way past hugging" Ella laughs and you playfully nudge her arm after the hug is over

- -

"Did you text Hailee?" You ask walking into the kitchen, "I did but I totally forgot about a photoshoot I had today so I can't go...but you two can still go" Ella says closing the fridge, "oh no no no, I know what you're doing...you're not playing Yente the lesbian matchmaker" you say sitting down at the table, "okay look...you like her and she obviously likes you, I mean you were making out but you don't have the guts to ask her out properly so I'm helping you" Ella defends herself and you sigh, "Don't expect a thank you" you get up and walk towards the stairs to get changed to go out, "the wedding invitation can be my thank you" Ella shouts after you

- -

"Hey, were you waiting long?" Hailee asks walking over to the table, "no no just a few minutes" you reply standing up to hug her, "busy in here isn't it?" Hailee says after you both sit down "Yeah this was the only table they had" you awkwardly laugh glancing down at the table that made it look like you and Hailee were on a date. "How's the movie going?" Hailee asks, "yeah it's going good...pretty exhausting with stunts and stuff but I absolutely love it" you answer and Hailee smiles at how genuinely happy you sounded talking about it. You were about to ask her about her life when the waiter interrupted, "Awright ladies...what can I get you's?" He asks getting the pen and paper ready

After he takes your order he flips over the notepad, "okay...if that's everything I'll get this to the kitchen" he gestures to the notepad in his hands before looking back at you and smiling then walking away

The conversation picks up where it left off and you and Hailee bond a little more, around 20 minutes later the waiter comes back with your food, "enjoy ladies" he says before walking away

There is some light conversation during the meal but you mostly just ate in comfortable silence, "That was good...Ella was right this place is great" You say after placing your fork down on the plate, "definitely...it's a shame Ella had a photoshoot and couldn't be here" Hailee replies placing her cutlery down too, "Y-yeah damn photoshoot" You stutter a little hoping it wasn't noticeable, "You good?" Hailee asks shit she heard it, before you could answer the waiter came back over to the table, "all finished?" He asks "yeah" you answer him smiling, "could we have the check please?" You ask him and he nods his head before walking away

"You okay?" Hailee asks again sounding a little more worried, "why wouldn't I be?" You reply not making eye contact, "Are you not having fun?...did I say something?" Hailee asks and you feel bad for worrying her, "no no, you didn't do anything..." you sigh and look up at her "...Ella didn't have a photoshoot today, she made it up so we'd be alone" you confess and after you said it it felt stupid to get all nervous about it, "wait really?" Hailee responds, "i'm not surprised though, she's been rooting for this..." you gesture between you and Hailee "...for years" you finish your sentence and softly laugh, "well if I'm telling the truth, I have been too" Hailee says looking away from your gaze. "I have too" your confession brings Hailee's eyes back to meet yours and just as she's about to say something else... "your check and uh I was wondering Y/n, I've wanted to say something all afternoon um could I get your number?" The waiter asks placing the check on the table while maintaining eye contact with you, unsure of what to say you smile while you think of something, "babe the show begins at 6 we should probably get going" Hailee speaks up causing the guy to turn to her, "right! Yeah we should" you reply getting your purse out, "I'm sorry...I uh had no idea" he says nervously. You place the money and a tip on top of the check, "have a nice night" he says before walking away

You put on your coat and pick up your bag and follow Hailee outside, "so babe where to now?" You ask once you get outside the restaurant, "oh come on...you should be thanking me, you couldn't think of anything to say to him" Hailee responds defending her use of the pet name, "I'm messing, thank you" you pause for a second "this way?" You gesture across the road to a park and Hailee nods her head. You cross the road and start walking down the path under the trees, you stick your hand out in front of Hailee and look slightly up at her as she's a little taller, she then takes your hand in hers as you continue walking for a bit

"Y/n" Hailee stops walking, "yeah?" You ask stopping too, "thank you for today...I really enjoyed it" Hailee confesses as a big smile forms on her face, "don't thank me, thank Ella" you reply which makes Hailee laugh "you have a cute laugh" you tell her and she blushes, "can I kiss you?" Hailee asks leaning closer to you, "mhmm" is all you reply and Hailee closes the gap between you both, all the memories from yesterday came flooding back as your lips moved once again in perfect sync shit she's a good kisser, you really didn't want this night to end without kissing her again, the kiss was soft and loving compared to last night, when she pulled away she had a big smile on her face and so did you

"That was nice" Hailee said trying hard to stop smiling, "wanna go to my apartment?" You ask as a wave of confidence floods over you, Hailee nods her head and you take her hand in yours again before turning around and walking to your apartment...


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