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You've been on tour for a few weeks now and Hailee has been busy in New York working on the final season of Dickinson so you've not been able to call or even text that often

Haiz 💕

Have a great show bby 🤍

Thank you ilysm <3

That was the last time you texted Hailee since you've had show after show this week, it's been hectic

~~Hailee's Pov~~

We just wrapped on the final season of Dickinson and everyone is packing up and heading home, "Ready to go?" Ella asks as she's driving me back to my apartment "Yup" I reply picking up my bag, I'm sad the show is over but right now all I can think about is Y/n and how she's away on tour for the next couple months, I miss her like crazy and I guess Ella picked up on that. "You okay?" She asks walking further into my trailer "Yeah I'm fine...just sad the show is done" I sit down on the couch behind me with a sigh, "Hailee...is this about Y/n?" Ella asks sitting down beside me

I let out a long sigh and sink further into the couch "it's only been 3 weeks and I miss her, so far I've had the show to keep her off my mind but now it's over and I have to go back to an empty apartment for the next 5 months" I fight the urge to cry when I think about the next 5 months alone "You know, she's gonna be playing in New York soon...what if you surprise her, but do something big don't just show up backstage" I slowly sit up and stare at Ella for a moment before bringing her into a tight hug "That's a great idea...i could sing with her on stage, that would surprise her right?" I say excitedly as I let Ella go, "I think it most definitely would" she replies smiling

Ella drives me back to my apartment and I immediately call Y/n's manager telling her about my idea to surprise her

It's been a few days since I arranged everything with Y/n's manager Maddison and I've dmed Y/n's opening act Fletcher asking her to keep her extra distracted that day before the show

~~Time skip to the show~~

Y/n ❤️

You're going to be great tonight ily

I love you more 💕

I texted her from outside the Barclays Center and she replied pretty fast because she was just about to go on stage

I made my way inside towards stage left and waited by the door as a crew member put an ear piece in my ear and gave me a mic

Let's just pretend What am I by Why Don't We is your song

~~Third Person Pov~~

The music started and you began to sing as Hailee watched you from backstage, as you reached the chorus you were about to start singing again but a familiar voice began from the back of the stage and a spotlight appeared

Tell me have you seen a sunset
Turn into a sunrise
Kiss right through night?
Cause we should try that sometime
Hold you til the morning
And if I said I'm falling
Would you just reply
I know you are but what am I?

Hailee finished the chorus as she took a final step closer to you staring ever so slightly down at you, you completely forgot about the song and pulled her closer crashing your lips together, the crowd cheered which brought you back into reality reminding you that you had a show to continue "I'll see you after" Hailee whispers in your ear before walking off stage not without waving to the crowd "Have a great night Brooklyn" She says before walking down some steps

"That was amazing!" Fletcher greeted Hailee after she walked backstage, "Thank you and thank you for keeping her off her phone today" Hailee replied pulling her in for a hug "Was harder than I thought it would be but it was worth it" Fletcher says as she pull away

After the show you ran down the steps off the stage and through the backstage door to find Hailee not expecting her to be right there waiting, "HAILEE" you ran into her arms and instantly jumped wrapping your legs around her waist kissing her face repeatedly, "Hey baby" she greeted smiling like an idiot as you continue to kiss her, "You've kissed everywhere except my lips" she laughs and you take that as a request and kiss her lips passionately

"What are you doing here?...what about Dickinson?" You ask after you pull away for some air, "We finished shooting and I wanted to surprise you...well I shouldn't take all the credit it was technically Ella's idea" she answers with a big smile crossing her face again "and that is why I love Ella..." you were about to continue when you seen the frown form on her face, you pout your lips in response waiting for her to tell you what's up, "more than me?" Hailee asks "No never more than you" you assure her and kiss the frown away

"I'm so glad your here" you finally continue what you were going to say, "I'm so glad I'm here too...you were amazing tonight" once again you lean down softly kissing her lips, "Where's your dressing room?" Hailee asks and you point down the corridor, Hailee walks down the corridor with you still in her arms, to a room with your name on the door. You jump down and unlock the door before walking inside with Hailee just to lock it again after Hailee pins you up against it kissing your neck

Ohhh cliffhanger, sorry

This might seem familiar cuz I did a story back in January like this but the roles were reversed

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