𝐼 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 {H.S} Requested

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Requested by fxvgvbjjbbkn

~~~Y/n's Pov~~~

~~Flashback to 3 days ago~~
Hailee has been filming Hawkeye for the last few weeks and I've been pretty much staying in our apartment since she left, I mean she's far away she's only on the other side of NYC but she is staying in a hotel so the apartment is boring without her here. I have basically been watching movies all day everyday and I guess I can't complain, I wouldn't dare tell Hailee this because she gets all embarrassed when I tell her that I watched Pitch Perfect 2 & 3 but I really love them and they are actually 2 of my favourite movies. It was around 7pm and I started to get bored of watching movies so I decided to make dinner while listening to music, while I was waiting for the pizza to cook in the oven Defying Gravity came on from a random playlist I was playing and I started singing along very loudly I might add and after it was done the pizza was ready

~~Flash-forward to now~~
I woke up this morning with a painful headache which only got worse as the day went on, I started to feel dizzy and my vision started to blur around lunch time and as I got up to make my way to the bathroom for some painkillers I fell forward landing on the wooden floorboards with a thud before everything went dark 

~~~Hailee's Pov~~~

I've been filming Hawkeye for about a month now and I miss Y/n like crazy, we text pretty much everyday but obviously it's not the same. This morning when I was in the hair and makeup chair I was scrolling through Instagram before deciding to text Y/n, I sent the text five minutes ago and she hasn't replied yet she normally replies quickly especially when I'm away filming, it's now been 15 minutes without a reply and now i'm heading to film the first scene for today so I won't be able to check my phone anytime soon. I leave my phone on my chair as I join Jeremy to begin filming. After 4 hours of filming about half of the first episode we finally stop for a proper break, I check my phone to see if Y/n has replied but nothing, I decided to call her but to no avail. I tried again and again but she never answered, now I was worried "Hey Jeremy, tell Rhys I'm leaving to check on Y/n... I'm just really worried about her" I say to him as grab my bag from the floor beside my chair "Will do, let me know if she's okay" and with that I nod my head and leave the building quickly walking to my car

Once I arrived at the apartment building I ran inside and decided to ditch the elevator and just make my way upstairs since it was properly quicker, I scrambled to get the right key to open the door but eventually I did, "Y/n?" I called out loudly as I entered the apartment "Y/n?" I said again this time a bit louder. I dropped my stuff and walked further into the main area, out the corner of my eye I noticed something lying on the floor I almost instantly realised it was Y/n and ran over to her. "Y/n?...Y/n babe c'mon" I say while gently shaking her "no no no...c'mon" I stand up and call 911

~~~Third Person Pov~~~

Within 5 minutes an ambulance shows up outside and two paramedics enter the apartment, you're rushed to Lenox Hill hospital and Hailee stayed with you until they told her she had to wait in the waiting area

~~~Hailee's Pov~~~

"Hello?" Jeremy said on the other side of the phone, "Hi...sorry to call you right now you're probably still filming but I uh-" I tried to finish my sentence without breaking down "No no it's fine, we're taking a break...Is something wrong Hailee? Is Y/n okay?" Jeremy asks worried "I-I don't know...when I got home she was on the floor and now I'm waiting at the hospital for someone to tell me if she's okay" I reply starting to tear up but quickly wiping away the tears "She's gonna be fine Hailee...you know she will, I wish I could be there you shouldn't be alone" "I know she will, she has too" I hear someone on the other side calling Jeremy, "I have to go, breaks over" "Okay" he hangs up the phone

A few hours go by and I'm still waiting for the doctor or anyone else to update me on Y/n, Ten minutes later the doctor I spoke to earlier walked in the waiting room "Miss Steinfeld?" She asks looking in my direction "Yes?" I reply hopeful to get the response I desperately want "Your girlfriend is going to be okay, she's sleeping now but you can go in the room" she smiles and I smile back before following her to the room Y/n was in. "I'll leave you alone with her" the doctor picks up a few papers off a table before walking towards the door "Thank you" I say to her before she leaves. After the doctor left the room I sat on a chair beside the bed Y/n was sleeping in, about an hour and a half goes by and I'm just scrolling on Instagram

~~~Y/n's Pov~~~

"Do you mind helping me? I need to pee" I say as I turn on my side to face Hailee, "Y/n? Oh my-" Hailee quickly stood up and tightly wrapped her arms around me "Hail-Hailee little too tight love" she loosened her grip around me "Sorry, I'm just so happy you're okay" she pulls away from the hug and tears start to form in her eyes but I'm quick to wipe them away "no no c'mon please don't cry, I'm okay...I'm fact I feel great" I reassure her. Moments later my doctor, Dr Carter walks back into the room, "Ah you're awake fantastic" she says with a big smile on her face "I was just coming in here to inform Hailee that once you were awake you both could go home" she continues "Really? Awesome" I say excitedly as this bed wasn't the comfiest and I wanted to go home, "Yes really but you have to rest, no leaving your apartment and someone needs to look after you" she looks towards Hailee and Hailee nods her head in agreement, "Done deal, I get to stay in bed all day and Hailee has to do everything for me" she laugh looking at Hailee, "Sorry she always makes jokes in serious situations" Hailee apologised to Dr Carter.

~~~Little Time Skip~~~

Once we arrived back at our apartment Hailee helped me change into new comfy clothes before making her way to the kitchen to get me some water, I sat on the couch searching Netflix for something to watch "Picked something yet?" Hailee asks as she sits down beside me, "Yup...you ready?" I ask while grabbing the blanket that was draped over the couch and wrapping it around us both, "of course...unless you need something? Can I get you anything?" Hailee turns to face me, "I'm okay Hailee but I could do with a kiss maybe" I quietly laugh while Hailee leans in connecting our lips in a soft kiss. "Okay now I'm ready" I say after we pull away, Hailee cuddles in closer to me and I press play on the movie

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