𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑁𝑌𝐶 {H.S}

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You and your girlfriend Hailee were spending Christmas in New York with your family, you loved spending Christmas with your family because New York always looked so pretty when it was snowing and you loved going ice skating but the only problem was Hailee can't ice skate very well

You and Hailee were staying in a hotel in the city and one morning you woke up to snow falling outside the window, you jumped off the bed and ran to the window looking out over Central Park

Hailee: Y/n, what are you doing? Get back to bed

Y/n: Look bubs it's snowing

Hailee: and it will still be there in two hours, now come back I'm cold *she mumbled the last part*

You walk away from the window and sit  beside Hailee on the bed, you put your hand on her shoulder and slowly turn her to face you

Hailee: what are you doing?

You softly smiling at her

Hailee: ugh you want something

Y/n: can we go ice skating today?

Hailee: Bubs you know I can't ice skate, I'll fall and embarrass myself

Y/n: No you won't, Hailee you could never embarrass yourself

You make puppy dog eyes at her knowing fine well she never says no to you after you do that

Y/n: please

Hailee: *sighs* Stop, don't make that face

You start laughing knowing you've won

Y/n: Okay I'll let you sleep now

You go back under the cover and wrap your arms around her before falling back asleep

*Time Skip*

You've been awake for about an hour and you're ready to ice skating but Hailee still isn't up so you decide to get her up yourself, you walk around the bed to where she is and lightly shake her but nothing, you do it again still lightly but more firmly so she can feel it but nothing. You sigh and think of an idea, a few moments later you lean down and kiss her forehead down to her cheek then kiss her lips, you feel her kissing you back and she sits up without breaking the kiss, you sit on her lap and the kiss turns more passionate but oxygen becomes a problem and you pull back.

Hailee: What was that for?

Y/n: Nothing

Hailee: You want me to get up don't you?

Y/n: Maybe *you say while looking at your hands*

Hailee lifts your head up and kisses your lips quickly before lifting you off her and standing up, as she goes to walk away into the bathroom you grab her hand and spin her back around to face you, you kiss her and pull her closer to deepen the kiss, a few moments later you both pull back

Y/n: Your kiss wasn't long enough *you say smiling*

Hailee places her hand on your cheek before turning around and walking to the bathroom

*Time Skip* {again sorry}
Once you and Hailee put on your skates, you step out onto the ice and hold out for your hand for her, she takes it and slowly steps onto the ice heading straight for the barrier, you let go of her hand once she grips onto the barrier and start skating a fit faster in front of her, turning back around every now and then to check she's still on two feet, you skate to the top of the rink and turn to see Hailee stumbling trying not to fall so you skate to her to help
You hold out your hand and she takes it

Hailee: Don't let go, okay?

Y/n: I won't

You guide Hailee around the rink and she stumbles a bit every now and then but she didn't fall that much, after about an hour you return your skates and go for a walk in Central Park, while snow falls around you both

Hailee: You know I wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be *she laughs*

Y/n: Surprisingly I agree, I thought you'd fall a lot more then you did

Hailee: Hey! *she playfully nudges your shoulder and you laugh*

A few moments later you intertwine your fingers with hers and continue walking down the path in-between tall trees covered in snow

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