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Kate walked into the meeting room behind Peter and took her usual seat at the table awaiting Stark's announcement

"Okay, As none of you know...well except Thor, Y/n Odinson is coming back" Tony announced earning audible gasps from people as well as some shared confused looks. "I'm sorry who?" Kate chimed in looking towards Thor for an answer, "my sister" He replied loudly, "your sister? Thor I thought she died on Asgard?" Bruce asked a little worried, "no no, not Hela...my younger sister, Y/n Odinson, Goddess of Love" Thor explained making Kate's eyes widen

"Where has she been?" Yelena joined in but before Thor could answer someone else spoke up, "Xander, the capital of the Nova Empire...for years she protected Xandarians from their enemies, she fought Thanos before any of us" Peter explained making everyone's eyes go wide. "How did you know that?" Thor asked confused by Peter's knowledge, "Did you forget she was my best friend?...from the day I met her to the day she left, she told me everything" Peter continued and Thor nodded his head in understanding

- -

Kate and Yelena were sitting on the couch watching tv when the heavy compound door closed, Yelena paused the show and they turned to face the visitor. "Can we help you?" Kate asked as the person walked into the room, "Hi I'm Y/n...Odinson, is my brother here?" The girl asked dropping her bag on the ground, "Y/N" Peter shouted as he ran down the stairs to greet her, "SPIDEY" You shouted back as you ran to hug him, "I missed you Y/n/n" Peter said as you both pulled away from the hug, "I missed you to Peter...is Thor around?" You said to him looking around the room, "no Thor and the others are out right now...older Avengers mission type stuff" Peter explained as he walked over to the couch and sat down

You followed him over and sat down across from him on the same couch as Kate, who although you hadn't noticed had not stopped staring at you since you arrived. "Oh right, Y/n this is Yelena and this is Kate" Peter introduced you to the mystery girls on the couch, Yelena said hi and smiled at you which you reciprocated but Kate stayed silent, "Kate?" Yelena asked leaning over and nudging her shoulder, "y-yeah?" Kate asked leaving her trance to look at Yelena who pointed to you. "Oh Uhm right n-n-...meet to nice you" Kate stuttered nervously before throwing her head back onto the couch in embarrassment

"Meet to nice you too Bishop" You laughed along with Peter and Yelena, Kate slowly lifted her head up and smiled at you which you of course reciprocated, "how did you know my last name?" You chuckled at Kate's confustion, "Peter kept me up to date" you explained

"Well I've had a long day of Universe travelling, Sakaar is not the nicest lay-over planet so I'm gonna take a shower...it was nice meeting you Yelena and you too Bishop" You got up from your seat and headed to the stairs, turning back around and winking at Kate who was staring doe-eyed at you

- -

You had finished your shower quite sometime ago and had since then caught up with your brother and friends, You didn't speak much with Kate but you could sense her staring at you pretty much all night. You had always been good at reading people and that little trick has come in handy a number of times and Kate was no different you knew exactly what she wanted

(A/n: the Norse goddess of love is also the goddess of beauty and S*x so that ties in with Y/n's intuitions)

It was late, just past 3.30AM and you were sitting at the kitchen island drinking water when you heard footsteps enter the kitchen. "What are you doing up?" You ask as they take a glass and fill it with water, "Can't sleep...you?" They answer sitting down next to you, "same" you reply blankly turning your body to them, "so Bishop...tell me what's keeping you up?" You ask a small but unnoticeable smirk forming on your lips, "I uh-uh just can't sleep, nothing in particular" Kate replies before taking another sip of water. "You don't think I noticed?" You ask her tilting your head to the side, "I um- I don't know what you're talking about" Kate looks down at the floor, "oh c'mon...you've been staring at me all night" Kate says nothing and continues to stare at the floor. You stand up and part her legs sliding yourself in between them before placing your fingers under her chin gently lifting it up to face you, "I'm not the goddess of love for nothing darling" Kate gulps as she stares back at you, "you want something from me don't you?"

You both stay silent for a moment, "You know...you're very pretty Kate, a skilled archer and a pretty damn good fighter but you suck at hiding your emotions" You finally speak up making Kate's gaze shift briefly from yours

"Is that such a bad thing?"


Sorry if that was all over the place a little, I had an idea and I just ran with it
...sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger moment
Does anyone want a whole story on this maybe? Instead of just multiple parts on this book

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