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Lil random idea <3
For the record I'm not quite sure how testing for Corona works in the U.S but for the sake of this story we're gonna pretend I do and that it's just the same as the UK since most of my stories are set in America, Enjoy

You woke up in the early hours of the morning feeling incredibly hot then moments later feeling cold, unable to get back to sleep you get up and decide to make yourself breakfast. You pour the cereal into the bowl followed by the milk (cuz that's the way it should be) then sit down at the kitchen island, you ate a few spoonfuls of cereal realising you couldn't properly taste the food. You ditched the bowl and walked quickly to a storage closet taking out an at home covid test kit then walking back into the kitchen

You do the test and set a timer for 15 minutes, during that time you pace up and down as you really don't want to have a positive test obviously. After the alarm goes off you nervously check what it says and of course "Positive" you sigh dropping the test back down onto the island before walking into the living room and picking up your phone, it rings for a few seconds then someone picks up "Hey baby" a very tired Hailee says on the other side "Sorry did I wake you? You say after realising it was still really early "No no, I'm just still really tired...are you okay?" She asks "sooo bad news, I have covid" you sigh waiting for her reply "Seriously? Are you okay? I'm on my way" "No Hailee, stay at home...If you're here you might get sick too" you explain "Y/n I need to be there to take of you" "Hailee, you're not coming over as much as I want you to you can't...stay at home I'll be okay" she sighs in defeat "I'm gonna try get back to sleep" you say "Okay, call me later...love you" "I will, love you too" you reply then end the call

Time Skip

You wake up a few hours later still feeling like sh*t, you pick up your phone from the bedside table and FaceTime Hailee. After it rings for a few seconds she picks up "Hey princess" Hailee says happily "Hey" you reply "feeling any better?" She asks "A little...going back to sleep helped" "i hate that I can't be with you, I miss you" she sighs "I know it sucks but I don't want you getting sick too and I miss you too" "you wanna watch a movie?" Hailee asks "of course but you can pick" Hailee picks a movie on her tv and sits down on the couch placing her laptop on the couch beside her, she presses play and you both watch the movie together. After the movie is done it's around 6.00pm "I'm gonna make some dinner" you say to Hailee after she sits back down in front of her laptop "want me to hang up?" She questions with a sad look on her face "no definitely not...we could make something together if you want" "Really? Yes! that sounds fun" Hailee replies picking up her laptop and then basically runs into the kitchen, "What are we making?" She asks once she has placed the laptop down on the kitchen island, you think for a moment and then rummage around the pantry "how about pasta bolognaise?" You ask after picking out a bag of pasta showing it to Hailee "Yes!" She then rummages around her pantry and finds everything she needs, 20 minutes into cooking you notice Hailee got pasta sauce on her cheek so you start laughing, "what?" she asks after noticing you laughing "you...you got pasta sauce on your face" "where?" She asks and you point but instead of reaching for a paper towel she lifts the spoon with sauce on it and hits it gently against her cheek "Here?" She asks laughing and you start laughing too "nope" she then hits the spoon against her forehead "here?" You shake your head and continue laughing with her "I love your laugh" she says while putting the spoon down and wiping the pasta sauce off with a damp paper towel, "thank you for making this day not suck" you say as you add the finishes touches to the pasta, "anything to make you feel better" she replies doing the same

You sit down at your kitchen table and Hailee does the same at hers, you eat your dinner with little conversation but every now and then one of you would say something about how good the pasta was or how much you enjoyed the day. After you cleaned your plates you went into your bedroom and lay down turning on your side to face the camera, you let out a small yawn "tired?" Hailee asks as she lays down on her bed "wee bit" you reply yawning again "go to sleep...I'll stay here if you want" she smiles sweetly and you nod indicating you want her to stay, "Goodnight baby" she says and you hum back to her before drifting off to sleep

Geez I'm jealous of Y/n
Hope you enjoyed this part inspired by me and my friends having Covid <3

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