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Disclaimer: Legal drinking age in the U.S is 21 and In the UK it's 18 but I'm pretty sure if an American visits the UK and is underage at home but of age in the UK they can drink at a pub but I'm not totally sure but for this I'm gunna pretend that's not true. x


Right now me and my family are in London on vacation, we just sat down at a table in a pub for some drinks even though I'm not allowed to drink. My mom thinks because I'm underage at home I'll be underage here too because I'm not a UK citizen, my mom goes up to the bar to order and I tag along because why not?

As she's ordering I look around the bar and notice a group who look the same age as me sitting a few tables away, all happy and drinking whatever alcohol is in their glasses. As I'm scanning their table, I can't help but notice the very pretty girl sitting furthest away from me. My mom interrupts my thoughts asking me to stay while the bartender makes the drinks while she goes to the restroom so I lean against the bar waiting.

"Another round?" I ask my friend group getting a cheer in response, I make my way up to the bar stopping beside a girl as she gets handed multiple glasses and a can of coke. "Want some help taking them to your table?" I offer as I don't think she can carry all that alone, the girl turns to me and oh my- she's beautiful like literally gorgeous, I almost missed her response because I was mesmerised by her, "y-yeah that would be helpful...thank you" she replied giving me a beautiful smile.

Just as we were about to take the glasses over this women who I assume the girl knows comes over, "sorry I took so long...oh you don't have to take those over I got them" The older women tells us as she lifts all the glasses off the counter leaving the coke, "my mom" the girl tells me and that's when I noticed the accent, "you're American?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows, "yeah...that's why I'm stuck with this" she replies lightly shaking the can in her hand.

"Ah underage there but technically of age here but you still can't buy alcohol...that sucks" I sympathise making her giggle, "adorable" I accidentally say out loud, she raises her eyebrows confused, "I'm sorry that wasn't supposed to be out loud...I mean it was adorable, y-you're laugh I mean" I began rambling making her laugh again, "that was cute...you're cute" she says making me blush slightly. "Why thank you..." I pause when I realise I don't know her name, "Hailee" she gives me that award winning smile again, "Hailee, pretty name for a pretty girl" I cringe at what I said, putting my head in my hands.

Hailee gently lifts my head back up to face her, "it's okay, I thought that was cute too" she giggles making me laugh too. "I'm Y/n by the way" I introduce myself sticking out my hand for her to shake and she does, "Hey Y/n" my friend Austin shouts over and I remember why I was up here in the first place, "oh right" I say pointing at him making him and my other friends laugh.

"I should probably get back over there" I tell her pouting before ordering another round, "well it was nice to talking to you cutie" I blush at the surprising use of a pet name. "You know if you give me your number we could continue this conversation before I leave" Hailee suggests slowly running her fingers up and down my lower arm, making me viably nervous, "Uhm yeah I would like that" we exchange numbers just as the drinks are placed on the bar beside us.

"Bye Y/n/n" Hailee kissed my cheek before walking away, I heard 'Oohs' from my friends making me roll my eyes as i walk over with the drinks

- Hope everyone enjoyed that xx

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