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Requested <3 Angel09172010

"He's just such a dick, he told me he was out of town but nooo he's on a DATE with some girl..." Kate has been ranting to me for the last 20 minutes about her new boyfriend and to be honest I'm not really listening anymore, I stopped listening 3 boyfriends ago

Me and Kate have been best friends since we were 5 and since then not even a small argument has torn us apart for more than a few hours, we're both Avengers now but I've been one for a few years longer than Kate and she was the only person who knew about it. I'm not sure when it happened but for as long as I can remember I've had these weird feelings for Kate but it's not like it matters anyway since she's always on and off with different guys

"... and he had the audacity to tell me he loved me right before he 'left for Palm Springs' Kate continued her not so little rant, it was the longest rant she's ever done. "Y/n? Hello?" Kate stops her rant and waves her hand in front of my face, "what? Kate stop that" I swat her hand away, "Y/n are you listening?" Kate looked down at me with a serious look on her face as she folded her arms across her chest, "Yeah...you were complaining about your boyfriend again" I reply in a well deserved but unintentional snarky tone, "well I'm sorry...I thought you were my friend and cared about my problems?" Kate responded in the same tone. "I do just not when it's the same problem over and over that you could easily solve yourself" shit I shouldn't have gone there

"What? So this is about who I date? Why do you care?" Kate almost shouts clearly frustrated, "because! Kate I-I-" I start but the words won't come, "you what? Y/n" I sit down on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands for a moment considering my options, "because I-I like you Kate and I hate seeing you get hurt by those guys, you deserve more than those assholes...I know this sounds crazy because we're best friends and up until right now I never ever planned on telling you this but you just needed to know" i poured my heart out to her quite unexpectedly by the look on her face right now, "Y/n I- uh don't like you like that... I'm sorry" Kate's words tore my heart in two but guess I wasn't expecting much to come from this conversation anyway I mean she's Straight right? Idiot why'd you tell her? "Cool cool cool that's good to know, I gotta go uh I just remembered me and Yelena are supposed to train"

I walked swiftly out of Kate's room and into the hallway where coincidentally I met Yelena as she was walking out her room, I walked over to her and gently grabbed her arm pulling her down the hallway, "where are we going?" Yelena asked a bit confused, "we're training" I replied blankly focussing on where I was walking

- -

It's been a few weeks since my confession to Kate and it's not been that awkward I mean I've been avoiding her so it can't be awkward but same thing, she's been hanging out with Wanda and Nat a lot recently and I'm happy she's making other friends in the compound but I miss hanging out with her everyday, spending every waking moment playing video games against Sam and Bucky isn't as much fun as one might think it is

-Third person pov-

"So how's the boyfriend Kate?" Nat asks as she's turning the page of a magazine, "oh I uh dumped him" Kate replied sitting down across from her, Wanda stopped rummaging in the cupboards and turned to them "for real this time?" Wanda asks as she walks over to stand next to them, "Yeah bout time I guess" Kate sighed and Nat and Wanda shared a concerned glance, "why? What happened?" Nat asks after noticing Kate's whole demeanour change, "there may be someone else but I'm pretty sure I messed that up anyway" Kate sighed again and looked down at the island, "who?...Kate don't make me read your mind" Wanda jokingly threatened, "no don't do that, It's Y/n but a few weeks ago she told me she liked me and that I deserved more than those stupid guys but I was an idiot and told her I didn't like her that way even though I do and I have for so long...I just got scared when she told me, I don't know what to do" Kate reluctantly looked up at the two staring at her before Nat and Wanda shared another look. "Kate, you like her and she likes you go for it...we know Y/n she hasn't changed her mind about you" Nat tells her and Kate's face lights up, "you think so?" She excitedly asks causing the two to laugh, "we know so...now go" Wanda points to the doorway leading out the kitchen and into the hallway and Kate quickly stands up and practically runs to your room

She thought about knocking but she was too excited and just burst through your bedroom door, "Kate! You nearly gave me a heart attack" You almost shout at her startled. "Sorry but I didn't have time to knock...Y/n I like you too and I know what I said before but I was just being a dick, I've liked you for ages but I never thought you'd like me back so I started dating a bunch of random guys and I'm sorry for what I said before" Kate started rambling but you quickly shut her up by crashing your lips onto hers. "Sorry i couldn't help myself" you told her after you pulled away for air, "shut up" Kate quickly connects your lips again before running her tongue along your bottom lip asking for entrance which you quickly grant, Kate wraps her arms around your neck pulling you closer deepening the kiss before completely pulling away to push you onto the bed gently letting you fall onto your back, (smut warning) "you sure this is okay?" Kate asks before going any further and you nod your head quickly, "words baby" Kate says walking closer to the bed, "yes please" You plead watching Kate walk agonisingly slow towards you, "please what?" Kate smirks and finally reaches the end of the bed staring down at you with lustful eyes. "Please touch me" You plead again biting your bottom lip ever so slightly, "there we go" Kate spread your legs and kneels in between them before leaning down and passionately kissing your lips before moving down to your neck kissing and biting ever so slightly causing you to let out a soft moan, she starts to leave hickeys all across your neck and collarbone while running her hands down your body to the bottom of your t-shirt slowing bringing it up over your head revealing your bare chest, "no bra?" Kate asks in a low tone smirking down at you and you shake your head, "perfect"

Kate dives back down again running her tongue across your nipple, "please Kate" you plead moaning in pleasure as she continues, Kate knows exactly what you want and decides to not mess with you and wraps her lips around it slowing sucking on it, you're now a moaning mess which only entices Kate to go faster, your right hand snakes it's way into her hair pulling her down closer on you while the left grips the sheets. Kate then gives the other one the same attention and your arousal shoots down to your core watching her, you start to slowly grind your hips trying to gain some friction but Kate notices and pulls away, "these in the way babygirl?" Kate asks playing with the hem of your jeans, "mhmm" you reply desperately wanting her to continue. Kate then proceeds to unbutton your jeans while not breaking eye contact, she pulls down your jeans and tosses them somewhere in the room before swiftly removing your underwear too, "you're so beautiful" Kate tells you looking down at you before she makes her way up to your lips kissing them passionately again, then she places wet kisses down your body stopping right where you need her most. "Kate please" you whine wanting her to continue, "Please what princess?" Kate teases slowing drawing circles on your thigh with her finger, "please fuck me"  you just manage to say in-between soft moans

Kate proceeds to kiss your thighs stopping right at your dripping centre, before smirking up at you then wrapping her lips around your clit slowly sucking before speeding up quickly, you moan loudly, loud enough for the whole compound to hear but you didn't care not when you were feeling this much pleasure, Kate continued her movements then added two fingers quickly moving them in and out. Kate moaned sending vibrations throughout your body causing you to moan at the feeling and throw your hand into her hair gently pulling her further into you, "Kate I'm gonna cum" you moan loudly and she ever so slightly picks up her pace, "cum for me baby" Kate's voice sends the vibrations through your body again and sends you over the edge

After what feels like several minutes you come down from your high and Kate slows down her movements before completely stopping, smirking down at you staring up at her, you watch her lean back down and 'clean you up' before she crawled up to kiss you on the lips, you moaned slightly as you tasted yourself on her lips

Kate flopped down on the bed beside you and turned to face you, "so I guess that means something" Kate says laughing which makes you laugh too, "yeah I guess so...friends with benefits?" You reply and she gently hits you on the arm, "I was kidding geez" you continue while rubbing you upper arm, "Dating?" Kate suggests smiling and instead of using words you lean in and connect your lips lovingly kissing her, no lust just a loving passionate kiss

Omg my first Smut story, personally I loved writing that lol so I hope you enjoyed reading it :))

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