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You know those popular mean HBIC characters in tv shows and movies? That's me, except I'm not mean per-say I just speak my mind a lot and I'm hilarious in a completely not rude way despite what some people say, popularly at this school is key to surviving (not exaggerating) but when everyone desperately wants to be around you it's hard to know who your real friends are. I only have one real friend Hailee Steinfeld, who also happens to me my girlfriend which makes it even better. People were shocked I was taken and didn't believe someone had 'tied me down' but at least people weren't homophobic

I'm walking up to my locker before my history class and spot Hailee standing across the hall at hers, as she closes her locker I reach mine. "hey" Hailee greets me walking up and leaning against the next locker, "hi" I smile back and start doing my locker combination, I notice out the corner of my eye Hailee staring at me which is making me nervous and I start fumbling with the lock, "can you stop staring at me I can't remember my locker combo" I say to her causing her to laugh then quickly kiss my cheek before moving so she was facing the other way

I finish putting my stuff in my locker and close it before tapping Hailee on the shoulder indicating she can turn around again. "History?" She asks and I nod my head, she sticks out her hand for me to take which I do and we walk hand in hand to class. Hailee stops right outside the door like she normally does before we enter and presses her lips up against mine, then as if right on que someone clears their throat and we both pull back, "sorry miss" I apologise before me and Hailee walk into the room followed by Miss Bellinger

- -

"Who invented photography?" Miss Bellinger asked the class but no one raised their hand well expect Ryan who's actually good at history, "Hailee?" Miss turned her attention to Hailee as she waited for her answer "Um Thomas Edison?" Hailee answered not knowing whether or not she was even close to being correct, "seriously? Thomas Edison? It was George Eastman Miss...idiot" Ryan butted in before the teacher could say anything, "Hey leave Hailee alone a**hole" I told him shooting daggers at him. "Okay! Y/n no swearing and Ryan don't be rude...let's continue" Miss continued on with the lesson and Hailee turned to face me and mouthed a 'thank you' before facing the front again

- -

You were walking down the corridor when you seen Ryan standing by his locker and the events of last class replayed in your head, "Hey a**hole" you walk up to him and lean against his locker, "Hi?" He replies trying to close his locker, "do you mind?" He asks and you give him a smug smile, "yeah actually I do...you never apologised to Hailee after what you said" you lean off his locker but slam it shut before he can, "apologise to her" he laughs and goes to walk away but you grab his arm and spin him back around, "don't walk away...I told you to apologise to her" you repeated to your words from before, "no" he said boldly

What you did next is something you weren't proud of but it just felt right, you punched him right on the jaw and he fell back, "Y/n!" Hailee shouted from behind but you ignored her and punched him again knocking him down onto the floor as you went down to punch him again someone grabbed your shoulders stopping you, you turned your head to see the principal with a disappointed look on his face. "Shit"

- -

"So?" Hailee asked after you closed the principal's office door "suspended for a week" you told her as you both walked out the building, "what?, but I'll miss you too much" she stopped in her tracks and pouted at you, "aw babe I'll miss you too" you leaned in and kissed her pout away. "Thank you for defending me" she said after pulling away from the kiss, "my pleasure..." you replied booping her nose, "...my house?" You continued extending your hand for her to take and when she did you walked hand in hand off campus

Is this shit? Yes it is
But hope u like it <3

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