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"Y/n, hurry c'mon" one of your friends shouted as she ran closer to the ocean. You just arrived at the beach with 3 of your friends and you were laying down the beach towels as they ran into the water, you had nothing against swimming in the ocean... except you were a teeny-tiny bit scared of the ocean. (same tho)

Your friends all ran into the water as you sat down on your towel before getting out one of your favourite books. You had about 5 minutes of peacefulness until you felt a ball hit your foot, you looked over your book to see a small beach ball beside your towel and as you reached to get it you heard someone's voice talking to you, "I'm so sorry...we didn't mean to hit you" you looked up at the person speaking and gulped when you met her pretty brown eyes staring down at you, "it's uh-it's okay...here" you stumbled over your words before picking up the ball and handing it to her, "thank you...I'll let you get back to your..." she paused looking down at the book in your hands for a moment, "no way, I love Emily Dickinson" she continued as she stared at your copy of 'The selected poems of Emily Dickinson'

"Really?" You asked still gazing up at her, she nodded her head but as she went to speak someone's voice caught her attention, "Hailee...bring the ball back!" A girl shouted from a little down the beach, She turned back to you and gave you a soft smile, "I should probably go back" she sighed quietly and looked down at the sand, "what's up?" You asked wondering why her demeanour changed, "you're more interesting" she admitted looking slightly up from the sand to you motioning to your book. You stood up to face her, well kinda she is slightly taller than you, "well in that case, throw back the ball and stay here" you suggested making her eyes widen slightly but without a second thought she threw the ball back in the direction of her friends before turning back to you. "Hailee that's a pretty name...I'm Y/n"

You sat back down on your towel and patted the end of the towel indicating for her to sit which she did

You sat talking for what felt like hours and when you looked down at your phone you seen it had been 3 hours, the beach was still packed but Hailee's friends were no longer playing volleyball and you knew your friends weren't still in the ocean. "Oh shit...it's been 3 hours" you said wide eyed, Hailee quickly grabbed her phone and noticed a text from her friend

We didn't wanna interrupt your
conversation with your 'girlfriend'
so we went to the bar across the
street xx

Hailee dropped her phone down on the towel and looked in your direction, "3 missed calls and a text from y/b/f" you said dropping your phone down too. "I guess we lost track of time...i should probably get home though" Hailee gave you a sad look before packing up her things, "wait...can I- uh can I walk you home?" You asked slowly gathering your things too, "look who's suddenly all nervous" Hailee teased as she stood up offering you her hand, which you took and she helped you up, "of course you can"

You and Hailee had been walking for a good ten minutes to her apartment, you kept glancing at her hand swaying back and fourth as she walked, she had her bag over her shoulder closest to you and you felt this overwhelming urge to hold her hand even though you basically just met her. "Could you put your bag on your other shoulder?" You nervously asked earning a soft laugh from Hailee, "sure...why?" She asked as she put her bag on her other shoulder, "well then the hand nearest me would fall straight down and mine could sort of...brush against it and I could take your hand in mine" she looked slightly down at you and smiled, "or you could just ask to hold my hand" Hailee then gently took your hand in hers and smiled

"Well, thank you for a lovely day and thank you for walking me home...hope I didn't inconvenience you too much" Hailee nervously laughed, "no no it's fine I only live like down down there" you replied extending your arm pointing down the street, over exaggerating how far you actually lived. "You're very welcome...I had a lovely day too" you expressed back to her, "would it be totally inappropriate if I kissed you before the first date?" Hailee asked scuffing her shoe on the ground while looking down, you put your fingers under her chin and tilted her head up before leaning closer and kissing her softly, she soon wrapped her arms around your neck pulling you impossibly closer. After you pulled away you stared at each other for a moment, "I guess this means I have to take you out now" Hailee softly laughed smiling brightly at you, "I guess it does..." you smirked at her slightly. "I should get going" you continued, "get home safe okay?" Hailee told you before quickly kissing you goodbye

Hope everyone enjoyed that totally imaginary story
I finished writing at 1AM so this is my tired brain's best work xx

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