𝑇ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑚 {H.S} Requested

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Requested by Jazz_nash
I had fun writing this so hopefully it's what you wanted it to be like <3

It was one of those horrible nights where one second the room was completely pitch black and the next the room was illuminated by a bright flash from outside followed by a loud rumble type noise, ever since you were a kid you hated thunderstorms and you could never sleep during one which sucked especially tonight since you had a very busy day tomorrow. You turned on your side and even though it was dark you could tell Hailee was sound asleep

You were just staring at the ceiling and what felt like hours went by, you thought about getting up to find the bear you've had since you were a child that always helped you sleep during thunderstorms but you didn't want to risk waking up Hailee so you just sighed and continued to stare up at the ceiling. Another bright light lit up the room causing you to slightly jump and grip the covers as a loud rumble follows after the light. "Y/n?" Hailee rolls over and you can tell she's looking up at you "Can't sleep love?" She sits up and moves closer to you before wrapping her arms around you, "Sorry to wake you" you rest your head on her shoulder. "Don't apologise, you can always wake me up if somethings wrong" you don't say anything you just keep your head rested on her shoulder and sigh. Hailee gently lifts your head and gets out the bed walking over to the closet and taking out a small teddy bear before getting back into bed, "Here you go" she says handing you the bear, "Thank you" you lay down and Hailee does the same. Hailee wraps her arms around you and pulls you closer, "You okay now baby?" She asks you quietly, "mhmm" is all you could get out as you could feel yourself drifting off to sleep finally. "Goodnight Y/n" Hailee softly whispers before going back to sleep

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