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~~~Y/n pov~~~

I never normally have something planned on a Saturday, I like to just stay at my house and chill with my family but when I got a text from my girlfriend earlier asking if I wanted to come over and swim in the pool in her backyard I definitely wasn't gonna say no. The walk over to Nadine's house only took about 20 minutes but I don't think walking in the heat was the best decision, I knocked on the front door and waited patiently for a few seconds "Hey Y/n" Nadine's older brother Darian said once he opened the door "Hi Darian...Where's Nadine?" I replied "She's out back" he stepped to the side allowing me to walk inside the house "Thanks" I say to him as I walk towards the back of the house, "Hey Y/n" Krista greets me as I walk past the kitchen "Oh hey Krista" I greet her back

~~~Third person pov~~~

As you quietly close the back door you see Nadine already in the pool swimming on the other side, "couldn't wait could you?" You chuckle "Y/n! Geez don't scare me like that" she replied swimming over to you, "sorry" you place your stuff on the deck chair then take your shorts and thin shirt off revealing a red two piece swimsuit

You sit on the edge of the pool dipping your feet into the water, "coming in or what?" Nadine asks laughing "okay have it your way" you say before standing up then cannonballing it into the pool

You and Nadine swim about the pool for a little while until she grabs your hand guiding you over to the small waterfall a few feet away, there's a comfortable silence as you just float in the water "Do you wanna have sex right now?" Nadine asks breaking the silence, you swallow the lump in your throat as you think of something to respond with, "I'm kidding!" Nadine quickly says before you can get any words out "well kinda" she moves closer to you and wraps her arms around your neck pulling you even closer to her, "can I?" She asks staring down at your lips "yeah" Nadine then closes the gap between the both of you, you kiss her back while wrapping your arms around her waist

After what was quite possibly the best few seconds of your life you pull away as oxygen became a problem, "Hi" you say looking into Nadine's eyes "Hi" she softly laughs causing you to smile, "you're a good kisser" you compliment "so are..." Nadine unwraps her arms from around your neck and moves back slightly, splashing you in the face with water "...you" she finishes her sentence before laughing at the confused look on your face, "you little..." you splash her with water back "...asshole"

You and Nadine spend a little more time in the pool until the sun starts to set, "wanna watch the sun set?" Nadine asks getting out the pool then reaching her arm down to help you out too, "Of course" you reply picking up your towel and quickly drying yourself, you put the pair of shorts and the shirt you had on earlier back on and turn to face Nadine "ready?" She asks extending her hand for you to take, "Mhmm" you take her hand and she walks you over to the side of the house stopping beside a ladder "after you" she says letting go of your hand allowing you to go up the ladder, once your at the top Nadine follows you up

You lay down on the roof and Nadine lays beside you, you interlock your fingers with hers and continue to stare up at the sky

It had always been your thing ever since you became friends with Nadine then after you started dating it became an even more recurrent thing to watch the sun set while sitting on the roof, because duh you get the best view from up higher

There you go my first Nadine story
Hope you enjoyed that little bit of spice cuz who doesn't love a little sum sum on a Saturday <3

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