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I think my new favourite is Kate x Y/n
Check out... iamrockstar_
story which gave me inspiration xx

"I don't need a babysitter Clint, I'm 20" you whined after getting the news that Kate was in charge of the compound when he and some others went away, "And that right there is why Kate's in-charge" Clint smugly smiles, "what?" You ask as Yelena and Peter start to laugh, "Hey I'm in charge of you too as well" Kate tells them immediately shutting them up. "And I believe Clint means your whining is why you have a babysitter babe" Kate continues as she smirks in your direction, "wipe that smirk off your face you're older by two years and that's why you're in-charge" you state while walking out the room towards your bedroom. "She'll be fine...well we'll see you guys in a few days" Clint speaks up getting everyone's attention again

- -

"Okay time for bed c'mon" Kate tells you as she switches off the tv, "I was watching that" you complain as Kate stands up from the couch, "Y/n it's 12am" Kate sticks her hands out for you to take to help you stand up but you slightly push her hands away and stand up by yourself and walk out the living room. Kate reached the top of the stairs but instead of going to your room like she did on most nights she just went to her room as she felt you just needed some time to cool down

Kate tossed and turned in her bed failing to fall asleep without you beside her so she got up and headed to your room, she thought about knocking but she didn't wanna chance waking anyone else up so she just entered. Clearly you didn't have the problem as you were sound asleep but Kate still needed you so she gently shook your shoulders, "Y/n" she whispered trying to wake u up, you softly groaned and turned so you were lying on your back but you kept your eyes shut, "baby I can't sleep I need cuddles" Kate whined still whispering

"I thought you were the babysitter? The one In charge isn't supposed to whine now are they?"

You were completely awake now staring up at Kate as she pouted, you could tell she was upset and tired but you wanted to tease her a bit

"It wouldn't be very professional if I let my babysitter sleep with me, would it?" You teased making Kate sigh, "I'm sorry for annoying you babe...now cuddles" Kate huffed opening her arms, "not so fast...how would Clint feel if he found out that you're not as responsible as he thought you were huh?" You smirked knowing you were getting to her, Kate crouched down so she was eye level with you and slowly ran her fingers up your arm

"I don't care what Clint thinks and you're making it very hard to wanna sleep right now"

Before you could reply she leaned in and connected your lips with hers in a passionate kiss, you weren't expecting it but you happily kissed back, she pulled away much to soon for your liking and pulled back the covers that were on top of you, she got up from her crouching position and straddled your lap

"I didn't like all your teasing before" Kate ran her hands up your body before intertwining her fingers with yours lifting your hands above your head, holding them there, "keep them there okay?" Kate told you as she leaned down placing a rough kiss on your lips before continuing down your jaw to your neck, as Kate kissed your neck you found it hard to keep your hands still, you tried to move them to touch her but she stopped kissing you and held your hands tightly, "no touching" she whispered in your ear

You unhappily obliged letting her continue kissing your neck, you felt your arousal shoot to your core letting out a quiet moan that quickly turned into a whine when Kate pulled away and hovered over you, "why'd you stop?" You pouted at her making her laugh, "I'm tired" Kate replied as a smirk appeared on her lips

"You can't do that" you protested making her laugh again, "well it looks like I just did" she said playfully teasing you, your pout disappeared and a smug smile replaced it making a confused look replace Kate's smile, you moved your hands from above your head to your side before reaching up slightly and tickling Kate making her squeal a bit too loud, you started laughing as Kate squirmed around tying to stay balanced but your laughter faded when Kate couldn't stay up anymore and fell on top of you

"Ouch" You mumbled after a few seconds, "you know what?...you're actually comfortable to lie on" Kate confessed lifting her head up slightly to face you, "pretty random but thank you" You leaned forward and kissed her a lot more lovingly than the last couple

"You can stay there if you'd like..." you offered making Kate smile, "yeah?" She asked in an adorably cute voice (yk what I mean?)

"Yeah...I'm used to having you on top of me anyway" Kate gasped leaving her mouth agape before it slowly closed and turned into a smirk once again, "wow...I was not expecting that but I mean it's true" Kate said finally as she lay her head on your chest

"Goodnight baby" you said as you ran your hand comfortingly through her hair, "I love you" was the last thing Kate said before falling asleep

"I love you too"


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