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-Avengers Compound-

I'm currently checking my outfit in the mirror before I head downstairs to the annual Stark party, I don't normally go all out for these parties but I kinda wanna mess with my girlfriend Kate tonight and I know this outfit drives her wild

I'm currently checking my outfit in the mirror before I head downstairs to the annual Stark party, I don't normally go all out for these parties but I kinda wanna mess with my girlfriend Kate tonight and I know this outfit drives her wild

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The outfit ^


You stop looking in the mirror and head downstairs to join the party that started like a half hour ago, "Y/n...there you are, what took you so long?" Wanda asks as you walk into the room, "damn you look beautiful" Wanda continues before you can even reply to her question, "well thank you and to answer your question...I might be dressed fabulously to mess with someone" Wanda's eyes widen and she slightly looks off to the side, "there's your 'someone' right there" Wanda walks away leaving you standing by yourself until a few seconds later two arms wrap around your waist puller you closer to them. "Hey" Kate whispered into your ear before turning you around to face her, "hi" you catch her eyes looking down at your body then quickly back up to your face, "see something you like?" Kate smirks at your question and moves your hands down from your waist to your ass, "maybe...what about you?" You look her up and down quickly before making eye contact again, "maybe"

"You know you look so hot in that outfit...red is definitely your colour" Kate leans down and whispers in your ear making you swallow hard, "What's the problem sweetheart...nervous?" Kate teases ever so slightly pulling away from your ear, "no actually I-i'm fine" Kate quirks an eyebrow and softly laughs at your response before leaning back down to your ear, you can feel her hot breath on your neck and she knows it's driving you crazy, "but I think the dress would look even better on my bedroom floor" Kate pulls away slightly and softly kisses your neck before fully pulling away and walking away leaving you standing by yourself yet again

- -

Most guests had left by now since it was pretty late and like most Stark parties the team didn't go their separate ways for the night instead they stayed up just chatting and playing stupid games, "okay okay...who's up for truth or dare" Thor announces to the group, "Thor we're all adults we are not playing a kids game" Nat replies but instead of everyone agreeing with her everyone whines calling her a party pooper indicating they wanna play so Nat gives in and joins the game

"Okay...Tony truth or dare" Thor asks the first question, "Dare" Thor thinks for a moment, "I dare you to lift Mjolnir" Everyone turns their head to Tony in anticipation. Tony gets up from his space on the couch, he tries a few times before disappearing off to get part of his suit to help lift it but nothing happens and he gives up, "Alright Tony failed...Y/n, truth or dare?" Wanda speaks up after Tony sits down and everyone turns their attention to you, "Duh dare" Wanda thinks for a moment or pretends to think by the smirk across her face. "I dare you to turn on Kate" your eyes widen and Wanda smirks as everyone waits patiently

"Easy" you got up from your space of the couch and walked over to Kate, you straddled her lap and leaned closer to her ear, "Do you like this position?" Kate's breath hitched and she nodded her head, "words baby" Kate cleared her throat before making eye contact with you, "Y-yes" you smirked and slowly started to grind your hips on her. Kate let out a small quiet whine indicating you had completed the dare so you leaned back down and kissed her cheek before whispering in her ear again, "we'll continue this later"

You got off her lap and turned to the others who were all staring doe eyed, "I'm gonna head to bed...have fun playing your little game" you announced before heading to you're bedroom, "3...2...1" Wanda whisper counted to Nat, "I-I'm gonna head to bed too" Kate got up from the couch and before anyone could say anything she walked away. Kate made her way to your room and opened the door seeing you lying on the bed staring up at the ceiling in nothing but lingerie, "I knew you weren't going to bed" Kate strolled over to the bed as you sat up, "and I knew that you wouldn't be able to resist following me" you smirk as Kate stops at the bottom of the bed. "I didn't like you little stunt out there" Kate slowly crawled onto the bed closer to you and suddenly you were the nervous one, Kate straddled your lap and closed the gap finally connecting your lips in a passionate kiss

She mimicked your actions from earlier and started grinding her hips causing you to let out a moan, the kiss grew more intense as Kate ran her tongue along your bottom lip asking for entrance, you slightly parted your lips and her tongue met yours making you both moan, your tongues fought for dominance but soon Kate won and you let her take control

Hope everyone liked that
It wasn't supposed to be a very smutty chapter just a make out one
Hope everyone liked it <3

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