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~~~Y/n's Pov~~~

"Come on! Seriously!?" I exclaim as the man dressed head to toe in black with a ski mask on throws me against a wall, I get back on my feet and throw one last punch at the man before he falls onto the ground. I quickly web his arms and legs so he can't get back up

I look down at my stomach and quickly put my hand over the minor knife wound before using my other hand to web myself to a building, I slowly make my way towards my girlfriend's apartment

I considered taking a chance going in through the lobby but i didn't have a change and for obvious reasons I couldn't go dressed in my suit, I knocked on Kate's bedroom window gently to no avail so I knocked a bit harder then dropped my head against the window. I saw Kate stand up from her desk and rush over to the window "Y/n what the hell! Are you okay?" She asks after opening the window, "Some asshole stealing from a corner store stabbed me..." I reply sitting down against the end of Kate's bed "...but it's not that deep so I can fix it myself" I continue before throwing my head back in pain "No Y/n I'll do it" you were gonna fight her on it but you were in a lot of pain so you didn't bother "This will hurt a bit but stay still" she warns me "I doubt it will hurt more than it does right now so on you go" Kate then proceeds to stitch up my wound

I keep my head rested against the end of the bed as my breathing pattern goes back to normal "all done" Kate says pulling her hands away from my stomach "thank you" I lift my head up slowing to face her then I look down at my stomach "looks good as new" I laugh which was a mistake as it hurt "you okay?" She asks with that worried tone in her voice coming back "yeah I'm good, laughing hurts that's all" she sighs in relief as I intertwine our hands pulling her closer

She smiles as I connect our lips, they move in perfect sync for a few moments until Kate's bedroom door opens "Kate dinner is-" Kate's mom Eleanor stops in the doorway as she stares down at us "What is going on?" Eleanor asks and Kate quickly stands up "It's uh...not what it looks like?" Eleanor folds her arms awaiting a proper explanation "I'm so sorry Ms Bishop" I stand up while adjusting my suit that wasn't properly on as Kate needed it off to stitch my wound "Kate, living room now!...Y/n, Kate will see you another time"

The thing is me and Kate haven't told anyone we're dating, we've been friends for years but Kate's mom never knew about our relationship till just now, she also never knew that I'm an Avenger which is a whole other problem I'm gonna have to solve now too, Kate's mom closed the door a little to allow us to say bye "I'm really sorry about her" Kate turns to face me "It's okay, I'm sure she'd find out sooner or later...I just wish she didn't see me half naked and in my suit" I laugh again trying to lighten the mood but instead I wince in pain "stop laughing" Kate tells me before leaning in to kiss me again "I should go" I say pulling away seeing the pout on Kate's lips "Swing safe" she says letting go of my hand

I climb out the window and swing onto a lamp post, I sit for a moment looking back at Kate's window as she closes it

I swing off the post and down the street onto a building climbing up to the rooftop, I run to the other side of the roof and jump off swinging to another building "Woohoo"

Here is the promised story, since I hadn't done a Kate story in a while I thought i'd make this

Sorry for any spelling errors

Currently in London so I'll try write another story tonight <3

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