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Sorry I've not posted in a little while...I've had 0 motivation lately BUT I'll try write more <3

"11 degrees?...seriously" you exclaim looking down at your phone "feels like 9" Hailee adds pointing at the screen, "It's like the North Pole!" You say making Hailee laugh "You're being dramatic, it's cuz you live in LA" she replies taking the phone out your hands and turning it off before handing it back to you "C'mon let's go" Hailee takes your hand in hers and walks outside

"It's fucking cold" you say putting your bag down "Language Y/n...here take my jacket if you're that cold" Hailee takes off her jacket and wraps it around your shoulders before quickly kissing your lips "Thank you" Hailee smiles

The car you arranged to pick you and Hailee up arrived in front of Heathrow airport at exactly the same time the paparazzi spotted you both and began speed walking over "Hailee! Y/n!...what brings you to London?" One man asks while others flash cameras in your faces "Just a little holiday" Hailee replies smiling sweetly as she gets in the car after you, the paparazzi continue taking pictures even after the door closed and the driver began to drive away

"Great timing Marty" you say to the driver and he laughs

About 35 minutes later Marty pulls up in front of a hotel and opens his door before opening the back door for you and Hailee, he gets your bags out of the trunk "want me to carry them in for you's?" he offers keeping a hold of your bags "no no we'll do it...Thanks Marty" he nods his head and hands you your bags and Hailee hers before walking back into the car, You hand him a £50 note through the rolled down window "thank you" he replies starting up the car

"Let's go" Hailee says dragging out the 'O' while running up the front stairs to the main door, you get inside the hotel and gaze up at the ceiling which is beautiful decorated but then again the whole room was gorgeous and decorated beautifully "holy shit" you say while gazing around the lobby "Y/n" Hailee gently hits your arm "ow" you reply and Hailee simply laughs

~~~Y/n's Pov~~~
(Cuz it's easier to write in)

We dropped our bags on our hotel room floor and had a quick look around "shit this is massive" you yell to Hailee from the bathroom "you have a real swearing problem you know that right?" Hailee says when I re-enter the main living room "I do in fact know that" I reply giving her a smug smile "You wanna go explore the city?" She asks already knowing the answer "FUCK YES" I take her hand in mine and run towards the door

We've been strolling by the River for a little while now and I'm starting to get hungry "Wanna find somewhere to eat?" I ask Hailee as we continue walking hand in hand "Sure, True told me about this Burger place on Tooley Street...wanna go there?" Hailee replies "Sounds good"

We take the underground to London Bridge station on the other side of Tower Bridge where we were before

We get to Honest burgers and the women takes our order "so how are you enjoying the trip so far?" I ask dragging out the 'so' at the beginning "I'm having fun...why wouldn't I be? I'm with you" Hailee answers while reaching across the table and intertwining her fingers with mine "that was really cheesy" I smile brightly and Hailee just stares at me "what?" I ask curiously "nothing just admiring" before I could say something the waitress came back to  table with with our food "and enjoy" she says smiling, me and Hailee say thank you almost in unison

In keeping with Hailee's 'cheeseburger in every place she goes ritual' we ordered cheeseburgers but fancier than just ones from McDonald's obviously, after we finished our meal we payed the bill and left, "where to now?" I ask Hailee once we step outside in the cold as it was now 7.30PM "I've always wanted to go on the London Eye" she answers staring at me with adorable puppy dog eyes "Hailee..." i whine slightly "...that's all the way at Waterloo station "Please" Hailee begs with her best puppy dog eyes "Stop you know I can't say no when you do that, Hailee takes my hand in hers and starts to run off down the street

After getting the Underground to Waterloo we walk to the London eye which was a small walk away as Waterloo wasn't particularly close but it was the closet station, We got to the London eye just in time for another rotation, I payed for our tickets and we got into one of the viewing capsules

~~~Little time skip as the London eye takes forever to get to the top~~~

"It's beautiful" Hailee says while looking out over London all lit up "You can say that again" I reply looking out from the other side "Hey" Hailee says tapping my shoulder making me turn around "Hi" I reply smiling, without saying anything else Hailee leans down and kisses me on the lips, our lips moving in perfect sync, not caring if anyone in the other capsules are watching

Hey guys sorry I've not posted much this week - not spell checked but I'm sure it's fine (Spell checked It cuz It worries me if I don't and good thing I did omg)

I was in London so this story is loosely based on that ALSO if you haven't seen it go watch Heather's the musical, I was obsessed with Heather's for a while before and after seeing the Musical of it on Thursday I'm now in LOVE with that too, I'm literally in Love with the actresses (Maddison Firth and Inez Budd) playing Heather Chandler and Duke that night OMG, I could talk about them forever honestly and the whole cast not just that night are absolutely amazing as well even going back to 2018 with Carrie Hope Fletcher and Jamie Muscato, I miss them two together as JD and Veronica but Ailsa Davidson and Simon Gordon 🧑‍🍳🤌💋

Hope you enjoyed the story and my little Heather's the Musical rant!

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