𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑦 {H.S}

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It was finally that time of year again...Valentines day but unfortunately Hailee had to work all day so you would be spending the day alone, "I'm so sorry Y/n, I'll be back at 7 okay?" Hailee finishes collecting her stuff and kisses you softly before leaving the house. You knew you couldn't be mad because Hailee didn't want to be working today but duty calls, you decided to sit in front of the tv and watch some romantic comedies while eating chocolate for the rest of the day which was really fun but by the time 6pm rolled around you had a sudden realisation Hailee would be home in 1 hour and you hadn't set anything up. You grabbed your phone, keys and bag and headed to store

You found some nice flowers, heart shaped balloons and chocolates along with a few other things that you thought were cute but on your way out you spotted a giant teddy bear and decided you just had to buy it. Once you paid for everything you headed back home, on the drive back you ordered a pizza because you knew you didn't have the time or skills to make something. You set up everything in the living room then you checked your phone for the time to see it was 6.50pm so you flopped yourself onto the couch feeling pretty proud of yourself for getting everything done. Five minutes later the pizza arrived so you set that up while putting on some music

"Y/n, baby I'm home" Hailee froze at the door as she looked into the living room at everything you had set up. "Hey, how was your day?" You walk out from the kitchen to greet her, "Tiring...Y/n? What is all this?" You softly laugh at her confusion "Hailee it's Valentine's Day, I know we said we wouldn't do anything because you were working all day but after my very fun day of watching romantic comedies I wanted to do something for you like something out one of the movies" you smile at her as she continues to stare at everything. "Geez you're staring like you've never seen Ballons or a giant teddy bear before" Hailee turns her head to face you "Thank you Y/n, this is all so cute" she leans in and kisses you before pulling away for oxygen "How about you go get changed and I'll set up dinner?" She smiles and nods before walking away up the stairs

You walk into the kitchen to grab the pizza box then walk back into the living room and sit down on the couch getting dirty dancing up on Netflix. A few minutes later Hailee comes back down stairs wearing one of your hoodies and leggings, "Pizza on the couch?...my kind of Valentine's Day" she says sitting down next to you "and dirty dancing?" She cuddles up beside you and puts her finger under your chin to gently turn you around to face her, "I love you" she smiles at you, "Love you more" you grab the giant teddy bear sitting on the couch beside you and boop Hailee's nose with the bear's paw, "You're such a dork" she says laughing. "Yeah but i'm your dork" You lean in and kiss her desperately wanting to forget the movie and pizza and just do this for the rest of the night but you were actually pretty hungry so when oxygen became an issue you pulled away. Hailee wraps one arm around your shoulder pulling you even closer to her and takes a slice of pizza from the box with her other hand, you press play on the movie and have the best Valentine's Day well night ever

Happy Valentine's Day everyone
I do realise I've made myself feel more single after writing this lol
Hopefully this was adorably cheesy to read <3

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