𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 {E.J}

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~~~Y/n's Pov~~~

"Okay, next question...16 - 2t = 5t + 9?" I paused waiting for Emily to answer but she never did, "Emily?" I turn my chair to face her "Huh?" She replies clearly confused about everything that is going on. "I asked you a question" I laugh as she scoots her chair over to me so she can read the question, she studies the question for a few seconds "Uhh...I don't know" she looks up at me innocently smiling, "Come on Emily...we need to know this" she groans leaning back in her chair "But it's boring and I can think of something else I'd rather be doing right now" she replies while attempting to hide the smirk on her face but failing miserably, "Oh yeah?...what's that?" I ask playing along

~~~Third Person Pov~~~

Emily then gets up from her chair to straddle your lap, she leans in and kisses your lips while wrapping her arms around her neck. You move your hands from her waist up to her hair. As the kiss became more passionate you found yourselves fighting for dominance but eventually Emily won causing you to let out a soft moan, When oxygen became an issue Emily pulled away before leaning in again this time kissing your jawline softly then moving slowly down to your neck, you hummed in content as she left marks all across your skin. Desperately wanting her lips on yours again you gently guided her back up to face you, this time she didn't even try fight you for dominance as she knew she wasn't going to win and as you deepened the kiss she let out prolonged moan, when you pulled away Emily looked at you and pouted "What's wrong?" she asked while removing her hands from behind your neck, "We need to study" you reply causing Emily to roll her eyes "Seriously? After what we just did...you wanna study again?" She whined breaking eye contact, You placed your hand under her chin and gently turned her head to face you again "I know it sucks but if you want to pass this test then we need to study" Emily started to get off your lap to sit back in her own chair but you stopped her "Where are you going cupcake?" (Arcane reference there) you ask while your hands are holding her down at her waist "Back to my chair to study?" She replies a bit confused, "You don't have to get up...you can study here" you wrap your arms around her neck again "I guess that will work" she repositions herself further into your lap before leaning in to kiss you again. "Okay but seriously we need to actually study" you say as she pulls away

Sorry it's a kinda short story - hope you like it tho <3

Btw I only post on weekends now or weekdays if it's a holiday, I can't post during the week cuz of school

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